Monday, December 6, 2010

Goverment Building

I went down to apply for the Star program today. I had to go to Town Hall for this. I walk into the building and stop at the first office I see which was right by the door. I asked them were I had to go for the Star program, nobody answered me. Nobody even looked up. So I yelled, “anybody know where to go for the Star program.” Finally somebody looks up at me all pissed and told me to go to the info office on the second floor.

I didn’t want to say anything to them so I went upstairs looking for the info office. Now I’m thinking, wouldn’t it make a lot of sense to have the info office right by the front door when people come in so they’re not wandering around the building. Who’s gonna know the info office is on the second floor? I got lost looking for it. Then when I got to the info office, they told me I had to go to another building. All was not lost cause when I got to where I had to go, the people were really nice and helped me out.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Derek Jeter

I was watching ESPN and right before a commercial they said “What do The Yankees owe Derek Jeter?” Right after that I fell asleep but I know the answer. The Yankees don’t owe Jeter anything. There’s free agency now and players leave teams left and right for more money. It’s the same way for the teams. Why should they over pay a player who has seen better days. Jeter played well and the Yankees paid him well over the years. Now they want to give Jeter 45 million over three years and he don’t want it. Who in their right mind would turn down that money? People are luck they still have their jobs. This is why people get turned off to baseball (and all pro sports). You got to pay a crap load of money to go to a game and the cable bill is through the ceiling.

If Jeter don’t want to take the Yankee offer, let him go somewhere else.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Annoying Trend

There’s something going on ,on the cable news and talk shows that getting worse by the minute. The “Left” does it and the “Right” does it. Whenever a host is interviewing a guest and doesn’t agree with what the guest says, they interrupt them and talk right over them. Not only do they talk over them, they yell over them. Then the guest gets pissed that they interrupted and they start yelling back. What you have is two people yelling at once and you can’t understand either of them.

Whatever happened to host that knew how to interview people and if they didn’t agree with them or had a question, they ask it in a civil manner. I’ve seen guest ask the host to stop interrupting them and the host would laugh. What we need to bring back is smart host that ask intelligent questions that challenge the guest.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

To Whom It May Concern

I’ve been trying to figure something out. The Beatles catalog is now on iTUNES. I thought too little too late. Most Beatle fans already have the CD’s. If they want to put them on their iPODS they can download the songs from their CD’s. So that crowd isn’t going to by them on iTUNES. You would think why would kids buy it, if they can get the songs from their parents. I didn’t think it was going to be a big seller. I was so wrong. The Beatles are selling like crazy on iTUNES.

What I like to know is who is buying this stuff?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Phoneatitis is when your on the phone non-stop, texting, talking, email, or doing wherever they do on the phone.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Giants Lose To The Cowboys

This game proves what I’ve been saying all year. The Cowboys didn’t want to play for Wade Phillips. That game The Cowboys played against The Packers last week was one of the worst efforts I’ve ever seen in all my years of watching football. All The Cowboys did that game was stand around and watch The Packers run all over them.

I wonder what Wade Phillips thought this Sunday when he saw The Cowboys with a second string quarterback beat The Giants. The Cowboys got a good team. They should be battling for first place. They must have really hated Phillips to stop playing.

I hate The Cowboys, but even I knew that they weren’t this bad. Jason Garrett is in a tough spot. He wanted to be the head coach there. He’s coming in on a 1 and 7 record and if he don’t show improvement, he might not be back next year. So he’s not starting off with a clean slate. He’s starting off in a big hole.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chiefs vs. Raiders

I caught the end of the Chiefs, Raiders game today. There was something wrong with the overtime coin toss. The Chief guy called heads after the coin landed. The Oakland guy was dumbfounded. He was trying to tell the ref what happened and the ref just blew him off. Even the announcers didn’t catch it. The call is suppose to be when the coin is in the air, not on the ground when the guy can see it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bill Wyman - "Monkey Grip"

Bill Wyman - Monkey Grip

Painting by Ralph Rumpelton

by Steve Kurutz
The great thing about a solo album from someone like Bill Wyman, of the Rolling Stones, is that quality musicianship and high-profile guest appearances are all but a given. The unfortunate aspect, though, is that the Stones bassist was never known for his songwriting. In the case of Monkey Grip, the first claim holds true (with guest appearances by Dr. John, Lowell George, and Leon Russell, the album is a solid affair musically), while the issue of Wyman's songwriting ability leaves the listener pleasantly surprised. Granted, there aren't any moments where you ask yourself, "why didn't this song appear on a Stones album?" but tracks such as "I Wanna Get Me a Gun," "White Lightnin'," and "I'll Pull You Thro'" are propelled with a laid-back groove that is surprisingly catchy. And, unlike Wyman's famous stone-faced stage demeanor, his singing is loose and joy-filled. Though these types of albums can be self-absorbed affairs, Monkey Grip is meant to be a relaxed, unpretentious outlet for the compositions that would never see the light of day in Wyman's main band -- and, as a credit to the bassist, it comes off exactly that way.


I was in Manhattan last Sunday and saw something I thought was funny. I'm outside Madison Square Garden sitting down waiting for a friend. Three girls walk by me, sit down and sit start texting. They don't say a word to each other, they ignore each other. They act like they're in their own little world with nothing going on outside. When they're done texting, they get up and leave.

I see stuff like this all day in the city. Not just with kids, grownups also. People standing around in a circle texting. This goes on non-stop. They're standing in a circle texting people not talking to anybody, then when they go out at night, the text the people they were standing around with. Then when they go to work the next day, they stand in a circle with the people they texted, not talking to them and text the person they went out with last night.

This is something like Facebook. You can post messages all day on your friends page, then when you see them later, you don't talk about it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Store Bathroom

I was in Manhattan today and I had to find a bathroom. I’m in J&R Music World doing some shopping and I remember they had a bathroom in one of their buildings. So I go in the building where it was and they had the stairs to it chained off. After searching I finally found where they moved it to. It’s one bathroom that both guys and girls use. I get there and there’s two girls on line in front of me knocking lightly on the bathroom door. I ask them how long they’re waiting on line. They say about 15 minutes. When they knock, nobody answers. I figure 15 minutes is more then enough time to do your business in there. It’s not your home bathroom, it’s the store bathroom and people are waiting, like me. So I start banging on the door. I didn’t hear nothing on the other side. I thought the guy. So I keep on banging on the door.

The girls leave and I’m next. Finally I hear the toilet flush and the sink water run. Finally, the guy comes out and is pointing at a sign on the door that said there’s other bathrooms in the store. I start yelling at the guy, “What did you do, fall into the bowl?” I don’t think he spoke English, he started to mumble something as he was walking away.

I meet my friend outside the door and told her what happened in there. She told me she hates when people knock on the door when she’s in there. I told her, “If I was in line in back of you and you were in there for 15 minutes, I get the store manager and tell them you passed out in the bathroom to get that door open (lol).

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Remember When

Comics were only 12 cents. And the double issues were 25 cents. They had the old fashion type of drawings, not these slick pages.

There were only eight teams in the NHL.

There was the American League and the National League. Winner of the American, plays the winner of the National in the World Series. That was it.

The Super bowl was played in the afternoon with only a one hour pregame show.

You could get dishes and glasses at the gas station with a fill up. Go back enough times and you can get a whole set.

There was no cable TV, so no FOX to screw us out of seeing the playoffs.

Bazooka bubble gum was a penny.

Stickball, punchball, boxball and stoopball was the only baseball I played.

The ice cream truck gave out 45′s. They sucked but it was free.

There was no remote for the TV. If you wanted to change the channel, you had to get up to do it.

The Wizard of Oz was on once a year and it was a big thing. Same for March Of The Wooden Soldiers.

In the summer when school was out, my parents would kick me out of the house at 9am, call me back for lunch at 12, kick me out again till 5 for dinner, then kick me out again till it was dark. I was never in the house, I played ball all day.

Nobody was bigger then Mickey Mantle.

I remember the 69 Mets winning the World Series. It was a miracle!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gas Prices

There’s three gas stations, all in a row on me on the main road. Two of the stations are selling gas for $2.99 and the third for $3.39. The one that’ s selling gas for $3.99 always has cars in it filling up. It makes no sense. Why pay $3.99 for gas when you can get it for $2.99.

I want to go into the $3.99 gas station to see whats going on there. Why are people going there, but I’m afraid to go in. I have a theory. This is like “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.” Once you go into there, they grab you, put you in a pod and have a double come out and you have to buy gas there all the time. They probably sell stuff in the store for more money also, and you got to buy all your stuff from there.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fear The Beard

I caught the end of the Giant-Padres game last night. Giants bring in a reliever that has a beard that looks like it’s painted on. When I saw the guy first thing I said is, “that’s some thick beard.” Then they showed signs in the crowd that said “Fear The Beard.” I didn’t catch his name but they showed his stats. He had 60 something saves. They said it was one short of the record. I knew the Padres were in trouble when he came in.

Let the Playoffs begin! I’m on vacation the week of Oct.25th, the week of The Series. Working at night I haven’t seen a weekday Series in 7 years. So I figured, what the hell. Seems like a good week to take off. If I’m lucky, The Yankees will be in the Series.

My fantasy baseball team lost in the finals. I can’t complain, I finished 2nd and got beat by the 1st place team.

This is my second year of playing Fantasy Baseball, and I love it. It keeps me in touch with all the players around the league and I get to play manager and GM.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I remember when CD’s first came out. I was working in Manhattan and whenever
somebody went to the Record Store on their lunchtime, they would come back with
a CD and show it to everybody. We would all stare at it like it was something
special. “Look, it’s digital.” Then we would discuss what DDD, AAD and ADD stood
for. We would say what album we wanted to come out on CD and we would always say
the same thing,” I’m still gonna buy albums, I’ll only get the good stuff on
As soon as I got CD’s, I don’t think I bought another album.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ever get into a baseball discussion with people and the talk gets so stupid you think to yourself, “what am I doing here?” The talk was about who has the most home runs. Bobble Head Bonds has 762, Hank Aaron has 755 and Babe Ruth has 714. Out of the blue, one guy says Babe Ruth had the most home runs. His statement cause a burst of laughter. Everybody said Aaron was the first to past Ruth. My friend don’t care. His reasoning that Ruth hit the most home runs is that Ruth’s home run per bath percentage is better then Aaron or Bobble Head, so he has the most home runs. You want to make a case that Ruth is the best Home Run hitter ever, you got a case there. To say Ruth has the most home runs is just silly.

But it gets stranger. Another person enters the conversation and says, “If I had as many at bats as Ruth, I’d hit that many home runs. This coming from a guy who weighs 120 pounds soaking wet. I told him, the breeze of a change up would knock you over. My other friend said, “a lot of players had as many at bats as Ruth, how come they didn’t do it?” The guy didn’t know what to say, he just walked away.

BTW, I’m in the Finals of my Fantasy Head To Head Baseball league. I’m getting killed 10 to 0. All is not lost though. If the 69 Mets could win The Series, if Buckner could let the ball go through his legs, there’s a chance I could come back!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bongo Fury

Zappa's last great album. Zappa, Beefheart, Duke, Brock. This was the last album he made with that band. After that he got a new band and everything was hit or miss.

"Sam With The Showing Scalp Flat Top"
by Don Van Vliet

Sam with the showing scalp flat top,
Particular about the point it made.
(I got it . . . )
Why, when I was knee-high to a grasshopper,
This black juice came out on a hard shelled chin.
And they called that 'tobacco juice'.
I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx.
My entire room absorbed every echo.
The music was . . . thud like.
The music was . . . thud like.
I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug.
Opaque melodies that would bug most people.
Music from the other side of the fence.
A black swan figurine lay on all color lily pads.
On a little conglomeration table of pressed black felt.
With same color shadows, in seamed knobbed knees, and what-nots.
The long hallway rolled out into oddball odd.
Beside the fly-pecked black doorway,
That looked closed on the tar-lattice street.
Up a wrought iron fire escape.
Rolled out a tiny wooden platform with dark, hard, dark rubber wheels.
Roll, skreek! Roll, skreek! Roll, skreek!
Sam with the showing scalp flat top,
Particular about the point it made.

Sam was a BASKET CASE!
A hardened dark ivory clip held . . . saleable everyday pencils.
I wish I had a pair 'o bongos!
Bongo Fury!
Bongo Fury!
Oowwwww! Bongo Fury!
Bongo Fury!
Bongo Fury . . .
Bongo Fury . . .

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bob Dylan - "Hard Rain"

One of my favorite Dylan albums. I like this better then Dylan's performance at "The Concert For Bangladesh."
Here is Dylan with The Rolling Thunder Review playing rockin' versions of his songs.
My only complaint with this album is the sound quality is really bad. It sounds like a transistor AM radio. Maybe Dylan wanted the sound to sound cheap.
Now that I think of it. I can picture myself in a car back in 1966 with this coming over the AM radio and me blasting "Maggie's Farm."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Zoot Allures

This is one of those albums that when it first came out I hated it. I was expecting a more "Jazz" tinged album.
After awhile it started to grow on me. It's a really good Rock album.
I think my next computer painting is going to be Bob Dylan's "Hard Rain."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Taco Bell

One of my favorite foods is Taco Bell. It’s part of the building blocks of nutrition. It’s really the base, everything is built on Taco Bell.

I go to Taco Bell so often, I’m friends with almost everybody there. The kid that takes the money is a Met fan so he tells me how he hates the Yankees and they suck. Most people get a “Thank You.” I get “The Yankees Suck.” Then to show him what good sport I am, I tip my Yankee hat to him.

The one thing that bothers me about Taco Bell is people don’t know how to drive. There’s two driveways on the Taco Bell property. One for enter, one for exit. They have big arrows pointing the way and enter and exit signs. When somebody want to make a left (when they’re exiting) the get on the right side. Since it’s only an exit driveway, they should be on the left. This really bothers me cause I always get stuck in back of these people. Now they have to cross traffic and it takes time. Yesterday I was really mad cause the car I was stuck in back of refused to make the left hand turn. She could have went five times. I don’t know what she was waiting for. Maybe she wanted no traffic one mile in each direction. I did something I normally don’t do. I got along side of her on the left and made a right hand turn. She was waving her arms and cursing me out. I didn’t care, I just wanted to get home and eat.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Leon Russell - "Carney"

I remember the first time I heard “Tight Rope.” I was with my father in his Beetle Bug and “Tight Rope” came on the radio. I thought it was a strange kind of song. like nothing they play on the radio.

I’ve been playing the “Carney” album and decided to do the cover. My version is “Leon The Caveman.” Which is really not too far from the real Leon.

If I have friends over and I put on a Leon Russell CD, I say, "and now, a couple of numbers from Leon." Some people get the joke, some don't.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, somebody at work told me that Shawn (one of the inspectors that stops in the store every once in awhile) died. I told a couple of people at work what I heard and we all felt sad for him and his family. Word was spreading around the store about him really fast.

Last night at work, Shawn is at the store door and somebody yells out, "He's back from the dead." He walks in the store and everybody looking at him like he's a zombie. He must have been wondering what was going on. Nobody said a word to him. I was expecting that he was going to go after somebody, drink their blood then run off. Turns out that it was another Shawn that was in a car accident.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Economy

Ever hear Obama talk about the economy? The best he could say is “well, it could be worse.” You know what this is like. It’s like somebody buying a last place baseball team and investing a billions dollars in it. Next year it finishes in next to last. Then at a press conference the owner say’s, “well, it could be worse, we could have finished in last.”

If that’s the best you can come up with then it means one thing, the programs aren’t working. You don’t keep on doing the same thing over and over and hope it works one of these times.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mad Dogs & Englishmen

I remember going into Manhattan with a couple of friends to see this movie when it came out. My friends, who if it wasn’t for bad taste would have no taste, wanted to leave after fifteen minutes. So I didn’t get to see the full movie till years later.

If any kids give you crap about music, just take them to Youtube and show them Joe Cocker doing “The Letter.” It doesn’t get any better then that.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Going Up The Country

This is one of the funniest videos I seen in a long time. I like the Frank Zappa voice in the background. It reminds me of "Ruben And The Jets."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Flory Dory

I remember the "We want the Flory Dories" chant since I was a little kid. Sometimes I'll mention "The Flory Dory" to somebody. They'll either give me a funny look, like what am I talking about, or they'll bust out laughing.

These shows used to be on all the time along with "Abbot and Costello," and "The Dead End Kids." I don't know why some cable channel can't bring the back.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

External Hard Drive

Since I got an iPod I thought an external hard drive might be a good idea. People were telling me that having a lot of songs on your computer will slow it down. Yesterday I go to Best Buy. I couldn’t find anybody there to help me. Finally after about twenty minutes I get somebody. I’m explaining to him what I want the hard drive for. They sales person had no idea what I was talking about. He had one of those looks on his face that said, “I’ll just say yes to whatever he say’s.”

There was this lady who was standing by us, she joined the conversation and the sales person left. He was happy to get out. She’s telling me what I need to do cause she has an external hard drive. Then here husband showed up and and was telling me how to hook it up. So I go pay and I’m waiting on the line. The lady and her husband show up on the line and we start talking, next thing you know the whole line is telling me how to hook it up. Everybody is giving me advise. There must be more then one way to do it cause everybody was telling me something different.

I get the thing home and hook it up and go to transfer the songs over. Seemed to be working. Now I can’t access the external hard drive. I wanted to make sure the songs were on there. Nothing I did worked, I hit everything possible. Finally I ended up deleting the songs.

I’m gonna take the external hard drive back. I don’t think I need it. My computer is 585GB and I have 509 free. My iPod is 8GB. Even is I fill it up and put 2,000 songs on it, I’ll still have 501 GB left on my computer.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I got a Nano iPOD the other day. What a pain getting it to work. It hardly comes with any instructions. All you get is "good luck getting it to work." I got the music on to the iPod with no problem. Once it was on there, I couldn't find it. There's no instruction telling you how to work the wheel. It took me over a half hour to find where the music was on the iPod. So, I find the music. Now I want to make a playlist. It already comes with a playlist. I couldn't get the music into the playlist that came with the iPod. Even dragging the songs didn't work. So I called up my friend. She told me to hit the "plus" sign on the bottom left of the screen, that will make a playlist. How was I suppose to know that. All there is a "plus" sign, doesn't say, "playlist" under it. Finally I make a "Bob Dylan" playlist and drag the songs to it. After about an hour, I'm getting the basics down. Now I want to find the volume. I can't figure out how to make it louder. This was another twenty minutes. After about an hour and a half, I got it working.

When you download iTunes, it also downloads Quicktime to you computer. I didn't want Quicktime, cause I didn't need it. I don't like to have stuff on the computer if I don't need it. I uninstall it. Then I go to hit the iTunes icon on the computer and it says I need Quicktime to make it work. It tells me to uninstall iTunes, then reinstall it. Now I got it working. Then I got to work and my friend say it also has a camera to it. Don't they tell you this stuff when you buy it.

What the store should do is when you buy it, they should send over a seven year old to set it up for you. They could do it in seconds!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Used to be when I was young, only tough guys had tattoos. Now everybody is getting them. I see a lot of girls wearing them. To me, it’s a turnoff. Whenever I see a girl with a tattoo, I think they would look a lot better without them.

A lot of people get them for attitude. They get them and they think they’re tough. They walk around, “look at me.” They’re gonna be in serious trouble when they find out the tattoos can’t fight (lol).

I was in Dunkin’ Donuts the other day. This lady walks in with a baby carriage and couple of small kids. She has the barbwire tattoo around her arm and some kind of tribal thing on her lower back. Now, this must have look cool when she was young, but when your yelling (in the store) “Bobby, don’t touch that, Nancy get over here, Tim put that down,” you don’t look so cool. Your starting to look like your mother, and that’s not cool. Who want’s to be like their parents (lol).

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I was reading one of these upscale "Homes" magazines at work the other night. These houses are really nice and the rooms are unbelievable. One thing I don't understand about rich people. They fix up their homes really nice then put junk in it.

I saw this picture of a dining room. Looked great, only thing is they had this old table and chairs. They call it antiquities. I call it junk. The paint is peeling off the the table and chairs. I looked at that picture and the first thing I though was, "that table needs a good paint job."

Another picture I saw was of a kitchen. Marble floors, stainless steel stove and old beat up cabinets. I know, the cabinets are antiquities, with the paint hanging off them and the rusted handles.

If I had a lot of money and bought a new, big house, I'd want all new stuff in there, not something that needs a paint job.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Frank Zappa - "Lather"

Frank Zappa got really mad at what the record company did to his album. Good thing he's not around to see what I did to the album cover.
BTW, that's a cow if you couldn't tell.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lebron James

No class. All that money and he's a low life. Didn't even have the consideration to tell The Cavs that he's not going to sign with them. It's all about me, I'm gonna let everybody hang.

ESPN was showing a video the other night of people in Cleveland crying when King James made his decision. Let me tell you something, they guy was there for seven years and didn't win a ring. Not only that but he gave up in the playoffs. The Cavs are going to be better off without him and have more team play.

It's So Hard

First let me say Mike Douglas was a cool kind of guy. He would have all these Rock musicians on his show and treat them with respect. He had Frank Zappa on the show and was asking him stuff like "What type of Classical Music do you listen to."

I remember Miles Davis on his show. This was back in the early 1970's, I come home from High School, turn on the Mike Douglas Show and there's the strangest music I ever heard play. It was really awful. It was so bad I had to watch the whole thing cause it was fasternating.

Mike Douglas had John and Yoko as Guest Host for a week. One day they had Chuck Berry and John Lennon do a Berry song together. This video is a song off the "Imagine" album. He has the New York band, "Elephants Memory" backing him. Deep down, Lennon was always a Rocker.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Why would somebody go to a concert in a football stadium and sit in the very last row? You can't see nothing, maybe they'll have monitors if your lucky. Hopefully the sound will be decent. So why do they go? Because they're young and stupid.

"We got nothing better to do today, so lets go and hangout with 70,000 other people that like "U2". It'll kill the day.

I'm not saying that to be young and stupid is a bad thing. It could be a lot of fun. Your only young once. Don't be stupid forever.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Couple of weeks ago I got transferred to a different store for a week. They were doing a big reset there and they took two people from each store to help out for a week. The first day nobody knows one another, so time is spent asking what store you come from and who’s the boss there.

The first day we’re all working and somebody would cut a fart. Nobody would admit to it. Then as we go to know each other during the week, whenever somebody would fart, they would take credit for it and be proud of it. The last day, everybody was taking credit for one fart.

It’s funny the way guys interact with one another. At first everybody was trying to be polite, then by the end of the week, everybody was taking credits for farts, insulting one another and having a good time.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The World Cup

I was watching some of the “World Cup” yesterday. I knew The Netherlands wasn’t gonna win. I’m not big on Soccer, but the game is like Hockey. It seem to me that The Netherlands was playing a trap (don’t know if that the official name). Keep the ball in their zone, catch Spain off guard and hope they get a break away and score. All they had to do is score one goal they try to play keep away the rest of the game. The Netherlands were lucky that Spain didn’t score, cause they had their chances. Anytime you keep the ball in your zone, all it takes is one mistake and it’s over.

Art and Music

I plan on painting all the album covers I have. I have a bout 1,000 CD's and albums combined. It's just a matter of how long can I live? I would hate to be 94 years old working on the last painting and croak right before I put the last letter of the album title on.

Pithecanthropus Erectus

From AMG:
Reviewby Steve Huey

Pithecanthropus Erectus was Charles Mingus' breakthrough as a leader, the album where he established himself as a composer of boundless imagination and a fresh new voice that, despite his ambitiously modern concepts, was firmly grounded in jazz tradition. Mingus truly discovered himself after mastering the vocabularies of bop and swing, and with Pithecanthropus Erectus he began seeking new ways to increase the evocative power of the art form and challenge his musicians (who here include altoist Jackie McLean and pianist Mal Waldron) to work outside of convention. The title cut is one of his greatest masterpieces: a four-movement tone poem depicting man's evolution from pride and accomplishment to hubris and slavery and finally to ultimate destruction. The piece is held together by a haunting, repeated theme and broken up by frenetic, sound-effect-filled interludes that grow darker as man's spirit sinks lower. It can be a little hard to follow the story line, but the whole thing seethes with a brooding intensity that comes from the soloist's extraordinary focus on the mood, rather than simply flashing their chops. Mingus' playful side surfaces on "A Foggy Day (In San Francisco)," which crams numerous sound effects (all from actual instruments) into a highly visual portrait, complete with honking cars, ringing trolleys, sirens, police whistles, change clinking on the sidewalk, and more. This was the first album where Mingus tailored his arrangements to the personalities of his musicians, teaching the pieces by ear instead of writing everything out. Perhaps that's why Pithecanthropus Erectus resembles paintings in sound -- full of sumptuous tone colors learned through Duke Ellington, but also rich in sonic details that only could have come from an adventurous modernist. And Mingus plays with the sort of raw passion that comes with the first flush of mastery. Still one of his greatest.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mind Games

From AMG:

After the hostile reaction to the politically charged Sometime in New York City, John Lennon moved away from explicit protest songs and returned to introspective songwriting with Mind Games. Lennon didn't leave politics behind -- he just tempered his opinions with humor on songs like "Bring on the Lucie (Freda Peeple)," which happened to undercut the intention of the song. It also indicated the confusion that lies at the heart of the album. Lennon doesn't know which way to go, so he tries everything. There are lovely ballads like "Out of the Blue" and "One Day (At a Time)," forced, ham-fisted rockers like "Meat City" and "Tight A$," sweeping Spectoresque pop on "Mind Games," and many mid-tempo, indistinguishable pop/rockers. While the best numbers are among Lennon's finest, there's only a handful of them, and the remainder of the record is simply pleasant. But compared to Sometime in New York City, as well as the subsequent Walls and Bridges, Mind Games sounded like a return to form.

Friday, July 2, 2010

4th Of July Fireworks

Every year that have the 4th Of July Fireworks on the Great South Bay. Every year the radio broadcast the fireworks. Am I missing something here? Doesn't it being on the radio kind of take away from the excitement of seeing it. Hearing a bunch of boom, boom booms is as exciting as hearing a drum solo.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Couple of weeks ago I went to Best Buy to look at printers. The Salesman from Cannon was there and I was talking to him for awhile about the Cannon printers. He was trying to get me to buy one but I just went there to look. I wanted a lot of info before I made my pick.

I checked the net for reviews, spoke to my friends and checked out what was around. I decided to get the Epson NX420. So I go back to Best Buy and The Cannon guy is there along with the Epson guy. I had to walk past the Cannon guy to get to the Epson printers. The Cannon guy saw me and probably thought I was going to speak to him. I felt funny walking past him to get to the Epson guy. While I was talking to the Epson guy the Cannon guy kept on looking over at me. Maybe he thought I was a traditor!

I buy the printer and I’m walking out of the store and who’s in back of me but the Cannon guy. I was waiting for him to come over to me to convince me to return the Epson and buy a Cannon. Turns out his car was parked a couple of spaces from me, so he didn’t come over to. Good thing, this would have been the last thing I needed with the hot, I just wanted to get home and hook it up.

I get home, hook it up, go to print the first thing and the paper gets jammed. All the printer says is “paper jam.” No where does it say how to get the paper out. After messing with it, I got it working and so far, it works really well.

The Band - "Islands"

This review from AMG:
Theoretically, even though the Band had given up touring as of Thanksgiving 1976, they were going to keep making records, and Islands was the first album released in the new era. Only it wasn't; it was the album they scraped together to complete their ten-LP contract with Capitol Records and the last new full-length album the original five members ever made. The playing, as ever, was impeccable, and the record had its moments, notably a Richard Manuel vocal on the chestnut "Georgia on My Mind" that had been released as a single in 1976 to boost Georgia governor Jimmy Carter's successful run for the presidency. But the songwriting quality was mediocre, and the Band had set such a standard for itself in that department that Islands couldn't help suffering enormously in comparison.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Andy Kaufman sings “Rosemarie” on Letterman

When I first saw this video, I looked at Kaufman and thought he looked like a dope. Then while listening to him sing, he sings it so well, you don’t notice how he’s dressed.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Energy Crisis

I have an idea to solve the energy crisis. Put a bunch of little windmills on the roofs of cars. The windmills will charge the batteries, no gas, no pollution,the world will be saved and we won’t have to hear Al Gore anymore.

The World Cup

I’ve been watching The World Cup. I was really excited for it cause it’s such a big deal. I can only say one thing about it, BORING. They play a whole game and nobody scores a goal and they talk about what a great game it was. Even a shot on goal would be welcome. When the game is one to nothing, be thankful somebody scored. It’s like the biggest thing in the world. The announcer on the Spanish channel goes wild, “goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal.”

Now we all know nobody really scores much in soccer (I’m from The States). But when your team is down 1-0, you got to attack. It’s common sense, you want to score, you got to get the ball in their zone. So why do the team that is losing 1-0 have the ball at midfield, and they work it back to their goalkeeper? How are you going to score back there! Don’t they know they’re going the wrong way. Attack!

I read something today that was really funny.The biggest upset in World Cup history happened today, New Zealand tied Italy. They didn’t even beat Italy. That’s an upset? I call it “lucky you didn’t get beat, but you didn’t win either.”

Saturday, June 19, 2010

All Things Must Pass

I got the news here. When "All Things Must Pass" is reissued again, this is going to be the cover.

More Alvin Greene

Alvin Greene will be the next senator of S.C. This guy is on a roll. Even though people now know that it’s not Al Green (the soul singer) people are still going to vote for him just for the hell of it, and because they’re tired of a lot of politicians. This is going to be their protest vote

You read it here first!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Alvin Greene

I've been following this Alvin Greene win. This is one of the strangest things I ever saw. A new theory has popped up.
Did people who voted for
See  full size image

think they were voting for

Ed Schultz

I’ll say one thing about Ed (of the “Ed Show). He’s loyal to the end. Everybody was bashing Obama’s speech, even MSNBC. They were all over Obama for a weak speech. The only person to defend him was Ed Schultz. According to Ed, Obama is doing a wonderful job handling. I was watching his show tonight, according to him, everything is going fine.

I was surprised that the rest of MSNBC was all over Obama. I heard them criticize him before but not like this. This is a first for me.

The Ralph Rumpelton Collection

This is version two of the movie. When I put it on Youtube, they deleted the soundtrack cause of copywrite issues. I originally had Kingfish’s “Lazy Lighting.” I still have that version on my computer.

This soundtrack I got from Youtube. It’s a Miles Davis song. I should have written down the name of the song. If anybody know could they tell me.

All in all I think it came out good. So far this is all of Ralph Rumpelton’s computer paintings.

I could see this movie winning an Oscar Madison.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Alvin Greene

I've been following this story of Alvin Greene. He won the South Carolina Democratic primary. Here's a guy who didn't campaign, didn't spend any money, nobody knew anything about him, yet he won.
This is the strangest think I ever heard. Why vote for a guy that nobody ever heard about. You would think that the other candidates campaigned and got their message out. Even if you didn't like them, you knew what they stood for.
I was watching TV and somebody said that Mr. Greene was a plant by the Republican Party. This has to be the dumbest thing I ever herd. If they were going to plant somebody, they would have some money behind him to sabotage the primary. Was it the Republican's idea to have somebody run, not spend any money on him and hope that people were stupid enough to vote for him?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Armado Galarraga

I hear a lot of people on TV whining and crying about video replay on close calls in baseball. It's a shame that Armado Galarraga got robbed out a perfect game but that's baseball. The umpire's calls are part of the game.
I seen Armado Galarraga on TV after the game and he seemed to take it in stride. He even gave the umpire credit for saying he made the wrong call.
It's all part of baseball. There was a call in a World Series game where Yogi Berra was tagged out at the plate. Yogi's still talking about that call saying he was safe.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Superbowl in NJ in 2014

Finally we'll get a real Superbowl in the cold. If we're lucky, it'll be heavy snow, wind and 5 degrees. This is the way football is suppose to be played. Not in domed stadiums or in warm weather in the winter. Let all those people who never gone to a football game but want to go to the Superbowl just to say they went, sit in freezing weather like real fans.

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Still Real To Me

I can understand where this guy is coming from. When you have a passion for something it really gets to you.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

This is the story of a man who lived in Utopia
This is the story of a man who lived in Utopia
He was a funny little fella with feet just like I showed ya

Well, he had a girl, her name was Mary Lou
Well, he had a girl, her name was Mary Lou
She did everything for him that she could do

But still, still, still he wouldn't treat her right
But still, still, still he wouldn't treat her right
He would leave in the morning, don't come back till late at night

Ahh, Mary Lou (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)
Oh child you big fool (big fool, big fool)
Ahh, Mary Lou (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)
Oh child you big fool (big fool, big fool)
You did everything for him that you could do (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)

I'm going to tell you a story about Mary Lou
I mean the kind of girl who make a fool of you
She'd make a young man groan and a poor man pain
The way she took my money was a cryin' shame
Mary Lou -- she took my watch and chain
Mary Lou -- she took my diamond ring
Mary Lou -- she took my Cadillac car
Jumped in my Kitty and drove afar

Well, she picked up from Georgia, moved to Kalamazoo
Made her a fortune outta fools like you
Meet her a rich man who was married and had two kids
She stoked that cat till he flipped his lid
Mary Lou -- she took my watch and chain
Mary Lou -- she took my diamond ring
Mary Lou -- she took my Cadillac car
Jumped in my Kitty and drove afar

Well, she came back to town about a week ago
Told me she was sorry she had hurt me so
I had a '55 Ford and a two dollar bill
They way she took that man she gave me a chill
Mary Lou -- she took my watch and chain
Mary Lou -- she took my diamond ring
Mary Lou -- she took my Cadillac car
Jumped in my Kitty and drove afar

Oh child you big fool (big fool, big fool)
Ahh, Mary Lou (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)
Oh child you big fool (big fool, big fool)
You did everything for him that you could do (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)

You did everything for him that you could do
You did everything for him that you could do
You did everything for him that you could do
You did everything for him that you could do

Mother's Day Card

I went to the store yesterday to buy a Mother's Day card. So I walk into the store and there's a bunch of girls in front of the cards reading every card? I walk up the the cards, pick one up, give a glancing over, and declare it good. Now I'm waiting on line to pay. It was a long line. By the time I got out of there, the same bunch of girls were still trying to decide what cards to buy.
What does it matter if you spend fifteen seconds picking out a card or one hour picking out a card. The person is either going to like it or not. If they don't like it, then they're mad you gave them a crappy card and your pissed cause you spent all that time either buying a crappy card, or the person that received the card has bad taste. So just give them any card, the results are going to be the same.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crazy Ed

Lately I've been watching The "Ed Show." I try to see what the right is saying and the left is saying.
I noticed a couple of things about his show. He loves to talk about Fox news a lot. That's not a good thing for him. Never talk about the competition. I never hear Fox talk about MSNBC. Also, Ed will come out with these statements without anything to back them up. Glenn Beck is a psycho paranoia. At least he tells you why he feels the way he does. Ed just says stuff like, "Aren't you glad Obama is keeping us safe." He is unless you want to count the underwear bomber, the Fort Hood Shootings and now the Times Square bomb. Good thing none of the bombs went off.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ripped Jeans

I was over some body's house a couple of weeks ago. There were some people that came from money. The wife was all dressed up, jewelery , hair, makeup, nice blouse, heels and ripped jeans. They looked like they were expensive jeans also. She must have paid big bucks for them.
I never got this look. What is it suppose to mean? I got a lot of money but I'm just like you, I dress in ripped jeans.
It looks funny. You could tell it's not a natural rip in them. It looks like somebody cut them with a razor blade.
If she wanted to show that she was like everybody else, she should have worn, tee shirt, shorts and sneakers. And leave all the jewelery behind.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Robert Drasnin

I like to play albums like this when I have people over. They expect some Led Zep or something like that and I put on this and don't say anything.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Lost Paintings Of Ralph Rumpelton

While digging in the caves of Scotland in 1941,Drew McMooly made the discovery of the century, the Lost Paintings of Ralph Rumpelton. With his trusty 8mm camera Drew started filming.
What baffled critics is how can somebody from 1902 make paintings from album covers that came out in the future. It's been said that Ralph Rumpelton was ahead of his time.

Hit Her With A Tile

I just came back from Home Depot. This family in the parking lot was walking in front of me arguing. They must have had a good fight in their car on the way to Home Depot. The guy had a tile in his hand and was walking in back of his wife. He raised his hand and I thought he was going to let her have it right in the back of the head. I thought he was going to do it cause his face was all red and steam was coming out of his ears. I'm glad he didn't hit her from the back. I think if they were face to face she would give him a beating.

Bob Dylan's "Down In The Groove"

I was giving "Down In The Groove" a listen. This got really bad reviews, and I
agree it's not Dylan's best. I have no problem with the songs, it's just tough
to listen to with the 80's production.
Here's what I was thinking. Dylan should give the master tapes of "Down In The
Groove" and "Empire Burlesque" to Daniel Lanois and have him reproduce it, give
it the Lanois touch. They would be a lot easier on the ears then.
He shouldn't even bother with "Knocked out Loaded." Besides "Brownsville Girl"
there's not much worth saving.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Cashier

I went to Sears Hardware store to day to buy some hardware for my dining room table. After five minutes I found a sales person. I had to get certain bolts and screws. My dining room table is one of these put together furniture. After awhile the hardware breaks and the chairs become shaky. I bought this hardware before there so I know they had it. I was explaining to him what I needed. He had no idea what I was talking about. I even drew him a picture. He was still lost. So I kept looking in the store and found the hardware.
Now comes the funny part. I bring it up to the cashier and she says to me, "How much are these?" I told her, "I think they're sixty five cents apiece." "She said, "That's close enough."
It's not entirely her fault for not knowing the price. There was no barcode on them. I could have said any price, she wouldn't care. She just wanted me out of the store so she could keep on talking to her friends.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

X-Ray Glasses

Remember these? They used to be in the ads in the back of the comic books. I bought a pair when I was a kid. Couldn't wait for it to come in the mail. When I put them on, I thought I could see through everything. They really didn't work, I was making excuses for them to work.
When I got tied of those, I sent away for the "1,000 soldiers set." You got a 1,000 pieces but they were no bigger then a half inch. Play with them once and you lose half of them.


Throw down your silver spoons,
Pick it up piece by piece.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Ed Show

I've been watching The Ed Show. I like to get all different points of views on whats going on. I noticed something about the show that's not too good. The other night he spent at least fifteen minutes talking about Bill O'Reilly. It's the old saying, "if you got nothing good to say about yourself, talk about the other people."
Ed goes on saying O'Reilly lied, and how FOX is biased, and he keeps on ranting about it.. Then he goes on to talk about the news and is talking about those "righties" and "crazy tea party" people.
Everybody know that Fox is to the right and MSNBC is to the left. If your gonna talk about how biased FOX is you got to call it down the middle then or you sink to their level.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fiji Mariners

My latest and not so greatest computer painting.
I picked this up in Manhattan, down in The Village. Found it in the cutout bins.
Excellent version of "Turn On Your Love Light" on it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

False Drawer Under The Kitchen Sink

I was looking at the false drawer I have under my kitchen and ask, "what's the point of it?" Everybody knows it a fake and it don't even have a handle on it.
So, I went to Google to get a picture for this post, I came across a picture and it took me to Facebook. They have a group with thousands of people in it for "False drawer under kitchen." These people on Facebook will join anything. I seen some strange ones on there with "False drawer under kitchen" group being right up there.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tiger Woods

I came home from work the other morning, stopped in the deli to get my coffee and roll and saw the back of the newspaper. "Tiger Woods Storming Back." He's two strokes back and tied for seventh.
Nothing on the back page said anything about the guy who was leading the tournament, or the other six guys. Everything was about Tiger Woods.
The back of the paper should have had the leader on it and in little words, "Tiger two back." That would have made more sense. But no, it's all about Tiger Woods.
I remember a couple of years ago, somebody won a tournament on TV, so what do they do, they interview Tiger Woods. When they finally got around to the guy who won, he was pissed and said something like, "go back and interview Tiger," then he walked away.
Personally, I'm sick of hearing and seeing him every two seconds on TV. When there's a tournament on, it's all about him, and every once in awhile, they'll show the other players.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tap Water

People are amazed at work that I drink tap water. Every time they see me filling up my bottles they make comments about drinking tap water. If they want to pay one dollar for a bottle of water let them.
Tap water has tougher regulations then bottle water. Back in the 60's and 70's everybody drank tap water, nobody got sick from it. Now bottle water has the fancy ad's to make people think it's better for them.
Sometimes I buy soda then when it's empty I fill it with tap water. No matter how many times I refill the orange soda water bottle, I can still taste the orange soda.
Ever see the commercial for "Zero Water." If I put that jug in my frig, it would take up the whole shelf.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Phone call

Some people just don't know how to talk on the phone. I called up my friend the other day to tell him something. I didn't get a word in, he started to ramble on for three minutes straight. Then he said "OK, I got to go." I said wait a minute, I didn't tell you the reason I called.
Another friend called me up and said "What's up?" Then he didn't say a word. I had nothing to say. Then there was complete silence on the phone. Finally I said I got to go.
Whats the point of calling somebody if you got nothing to say.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wyman's Revenge

As you might have read, The Stones are re-releasing their "Rarities" album with a different cover. Bill Wyman has been taking out of the picture on it. The Stones are erasing Wyman from their history.
Well Wyman pulled a fast one on The Stones. He bought the rights to the Stones "Dirty Work" album and erased the rest of the band.
Now we know who the "Real" Stone is!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010


The only thing you can't see in this video is the guy who's pulling the strings.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Doc At The Radar Station

I decided to paint this cause it was fast and easy.
One of my favorite Beefheart songs is on here:

Apes-Ma, Apes-Ma
Remember when you were young Apes-Ma?
And you used to break out of your cage?
Well you know that you're not
Strong enough to do that anymore now
And Apes-Ma... The little girl that
Named you years ago died now
And you're older Apes-Ma
Remember when she named you
And it was in the paper Apes-Ma?
Apes-Ma, Apes-Ma
You're eating too much
And going to the bathroom too much Apes-Ma
And Apes-Ma, your cage isn't getting any bigger Apes-Ma

Shower Curtain Liners

The only good shower liners to buy are the ones that have the metal eyelets. If they don't have them, they rip, then you have to make another hole and that rips even faster. Next thing you know the liner is half down and the water is going all over the place.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Frank Sinatra - "Strangers In The Night"

I've been waiting a long time for this CD to come out. I painted it on the computer while listening to it. It's not exactly like the original but I think I captured the feeling of it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Robert Gibbs

Things are getting really bad for Obama. Robert Gibbs is mocking Sarah Palin. It's only 2010 and the Obama team is going into attack mode. MSNBC talks about her all the time.
What are they so afraid of? Instead of attacking Palin, shouldn't the Obama team talk about the great year it's been for Obama. OK, maybe it wasn't such a great year for him. He could talk about what a good year 2010 will be.
The best thing they could do would be to ignore Palin, that goes for MSNBC. With them talking about her, it shows that there's nothing good to talk about with Obama. So, it's on to attack mode.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Palming The Ball

I was watching the Celtics- Lakers game the other day. When did palming the ball become legal? Did they change the rules or the refs just stopped calling it.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Interception

I was watching the Viking-Saint game last weekend. At the end of the game Favre threw and interception that put the game into overtime.
Typical Favre, trying to do too much.
What was really surprising was the interview with Favre after the game. A reporter asked him about the interception. Favre said, "It was George Bush's fault."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jets vs Colts

I got done watching the game. Even though The Jets were winning at the end of
the first half, I knew they weren't going to win. The Colts were marching up and
down the field in the first half and only got 6 points. It was just a matter of
time before they put the ball in the endzone.
I can't complain, nobody figured The Jets to get this far. They now have
something to build on.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Does he have any idea whats going on? I saw an interview with him on TV the other day. He said that the reason Scott Brown won in Massachusetts was because the people were tired of the last 8 years of Bush.
Massachusetts has been a Democrat seat for something like 30 years. Doesn't it make sense that if they were tired of Bush they would have elected a Democrat. Instead they elected a Republican. The people of Massachusetts weren't tired of Bush. They're sick of Obama.
Obama is living by that river, DeNial. After one year in office he's still blaming Bush for everything. After one year, the people are blaming him, and they should. It's his policies that are now taking effect.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lovin Spoonful - " Bald Headed Lena"

Lovin Spoonful, Bald Headed Lena

| MySpace Video


I can't believe The Jets beat The Chargers. Held them to a year low.
The Jets are playing like the good Giants team used to, pound the ball down your throat. This opens up for the pass.
Mark Sanchez is still a rookie and he's going to make mistakes. With the running game going, he don't have to worry about passing the ball all the time.
The Colts should win next week, but I wouldn't be surprised if The Jets pull off an upset.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Obama's C-Span Problem

I usually don't post links but I found this funny:


The way news is presented is strange. There's a lot of different ways of seeing the same thing. One thing that I noticed is the it's easier to criticize then to defend. Fox news got it good now cause they can talk about Obama all day, and they do.
MSNBC is in a tough spot cause they have to defend Obama. Since it's harder to defend somebody what they're doing is criticizing Republicans senators, congressmen and Dick Cheney.
I was watching the "Ed Show" the other day. He spent most of the show talking about Dick Cheney. The problem with this is that Cheney is old news, not the VP anymore and MSNBC is just giving him airtime by mentioning him.
What MSNBC should do is to pick out the positive that Obama is doing while criticizing the Republicans that are in power, not Dick Cheney.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Food Picture

Ever see on blogs when people show pictures of the fancy food they eat. I don't know of anybody that eat that stuff. What they give you on a plate can go in two bites. It's a big plate and in the middle they have a little strip of something. You can't even tell what it is cause it don't look like something you eat.
Most people I know eat regular food. Even when they go out to eat, they want something that's going to fill them up. Not something that looks pretty on the plate.
Burger King has a good deal now, two quartet pound cheese burgers, small fries and small soda for under five dollars. And I bet it taste better then the pretty food does.

9-11 Trials

One thing nobody has said about the 9-11 trials besides the fact that it's a travesty that they're be charged in criminal court. They have to find 12 jurors who never heard of the 9-11 bombing. Throw out the evidence that got from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed when he was at Gitmo and they could have a tough time proving he was the brains behind it. You know Khalid Sheikh Mohammed lawyer's are going to be sharp and try to throw out all the evidence they can.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.