Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Store Bathroom

I was in Manhattan today and I had to find a bathroom. I’m in J&R Music World doing some shopping and I remember they had a bathroom in one of their buildings. So I go in the building where it was and they had the stairs to it chained off. After searching I finally found where they moved it to. It’s one bathroom that both guys and girls use. I get there and there’s two girls on line in front of me knocking lightly on the bathroom door. I ask them how long they’re waiting on line. They say about 15 minutes. When they knock, nobody answers. I figure 15 minutes is more then enough time to do your business in there. It’s not your home bathroom, it’s the store bathroom and people are waiting, like me. So I start banging on the door. I didn’t hear nothing on the other side. I thought the guy. So I keep on banging on the door.

The girls leave and I’m next. Finally I hear the toilet flush and the sink water run. Finally, the guy comes out and is pointing at a sign on the door that said there’s other bathrooms in the store. I start yelling at the guy, “What did you do, fall into the bowl?” I don’t think he spoke English, he started to mumble something as he was walking away.

I meet my friend outside the door and told her what happened in there. She told me she hates when people knock on the door when she’s in there. I told her, “If I was in line in back of you and you were in there for 15 minutes, I get the store manager and tell them you passed out in the bathroom to get that door open (lol).

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