Friday, January 1, 2010

Food Picture

Ever see on blogs when people show pictures of the fancy food they eat. I don't know of anybody that eat that stuff. What they give you on a plate can go in two bites. It's a big plate and in the middle they have a little strip of something. You can't even tell what it is cause it don't look like something you eat.
Most people I know eat regular food. Even when they go out to eat, they want something that's going to fill them up. Not something that looks pretty on the plate.
Burger King has a good deal now, two quartet pound cheese burgers, small fries and small soda for under five dollars. And I bet it taste better then the pretty food does.


Herb said...

I know that book is in the picture for some reason. Would you mind telling us what you're reading? ;-)

Zapple100 said...

It's a Miles Davis bio by Ian Carr. I picked it up in Manhattan at the cheapo bookstore.
The book was staged there to show my good taste. After the pic was taken I went back to reading the comics.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.