Friday, April 9, 2010

Tiger Woods

I came home from work the other morning, stopped in the deli to get my coffee and roll and saw the back of the newspaper. "Tiger Woods Storming Back." He's two strokes back and tied for seventh.
Nothing on the back page said anything about the guy who was leading the tournament, or the other six guys. Everything was about Tiger Woods.
The back of the paper should have had the leader on it and in little words, "Tiger two back." That would have made more sense. But no, it's all about Tiger Woods.
I remember a couple of years ago, somebody won a tournament on TV, so what do they do, they interview Tiger Woods. When they finally got around to the guy who won, he was pissed and said something like, "go back and interview Tiger," then he walked away.
Personally, I'm sick of hearing and seeing him every two seconds on TV. When there's a tournament on, it's all about him, and every once in awhile, they'll show the other players.

1 comment:

Herb said...

The Tiger Woods obsession is the same as in other sports. For example: when I turn on ESPN all I see are highlights of the Yankees and Red Sox games, even though the Rays are in first place and they just swept the Red Sox in Fenway Park. All ESPN shows are the fucking Yankees and Sox. I personally hate both the fucking Yankees and the fucking Red Sox, but there is nothing I can do to change ESPN's bias for these two fucking teams. So, in other words: if you don't like Tiger Woods you'd better learn to love him because ESPN is not going to change their coverage. ESPN has too much invested in Woods, just like they have too much invested in the Yankees and Red Sox.

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