Sunday, November 27, 2016

Advise On Exile On Main Street

Awhile back when I worked in Manhattan, my friend Robin wanted to get a Rolling Stone CD. After work we went to J&R Music World. We’re looking at the Rolling Stones CD’s and I’m giving my opinion on them. I told her “Exile On Main Street” was one of their best albums. She’s going to me, “I don’t know if I want it.” I’m telling her how great it is and she don’t want to listen to me. All of a sudden somebody walks by and say’s “it’s their best.” Next thing you know, she was up at the cashier paying for the thing.
I told her, “what the hell it that. I’m telling you how great the album is, you don’t want to listen to me. Some stranger walks by, he tells you how good it is and you buy it. He said the same thing I said and you don’t listen to me, who is your good friend and you listen to somebody you don’t know.”
She had nothing to say. Turns out me, and the stranger were right cause the next day she came to work saying how good it is.

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  Microsoft paint and review of paint.