Sunday, April 21, 2013

Part 2 of the NRBQ Review (The Dark Side)

 There was some “dick-wad in the row in front of me off to the right with a camera. They made an announcement no flash when the concert starts. The concert starts and he’s taking pictures with the flash on. Somebody came over to him and told him to stop. Five minutes later he’s taking pictures with the flash again. Same guy comes over and tells him to stop. He’s playing dumb like he don’t know how the flash turned on.
 Now this “dick-wad” won’t shut up. He keeps on yelling stuff out. You figure after awhile he would get tired. He doesn’t stop. He yells stuff out and sits there with a smug face. Finally he moves to another seat but won’t shut up. At one part of the show Terry Adams (keyboard player) is telling a story about the first time he met Sun Ra. “Dick-wad” is interrupting him. Finally Terry says,”What was I talking about before I was so rudely interrupted. “Dick-wad” yells out “Sun Ra.” A bunch of people start yelling at him telling him to shut the fuck up. He just sat there with that smug look. When the music started, he started yelling stuff out again.
 Then there was a girl in the audience, another dumb ass. When Terry was telling the Sun Ra story, she yelled out, “Is this a concert or lecture?” People starting yelling at her to shut up.
 Terry Adams really spoke once during the show for about three minutes, and I think it was to give the band a chance to catch their breath.
 When I bought tickets online, it looked like it was almost sold out. When the concert started, I see Terry looking up at the back of the theater. The Boulton Center is a really nice theater that holds 250 people. Not a bad seat in the place. When the concert was over, I turned around and saw the whole top was empty. There must have been 125 people there.

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