Saturday, April 20, 2013


Just came back from seeing NRBQ. What a great show. Terry has a good band with
Scott Ligon – Guitar, vocals
Casey McDonough – Bass, vocals
Conrad Choucroun – Drums, vocals
and the Whole Wheat Horns
Klem Klimek – Sax, Tambourine, vocals
Tom Q. – Trombone, Maracas, vocals
As much as I miss Al Anderson, Scott Ligon can really play guitar and is good
singer. He sang most of the lead vocals.
The big difference I see in the “old” NRBQ and the “new” NRBQ is in the “old”
band, while Terry was the leader, the rest of the band had a big presence on
stage. In this band, You know it’s Terry’s band. Nobody did talking but him.
Some of the songs I remember:
“Little Floater”
“Hot Biscuits And Sweet Marie”
“Honey Hush”
Howard Johnson Got His Mojo Working”
“Me And The Boys”
“We Travel The Spaceways”
They also did a couple of Jazz numbers and two County numbers that the names
escape me at the moment.
Terry was talking about David Rose. He said does anybody know who he is? He’s
the guy who wrote the “Little House On The Prairie” theme song. He also wrote
this song, and they did:
The last song they did before the encore was
“Don’t Let Me Down” – As soon as the first notes were played I knew what song
they were doing. Scott Legon did a great lead vocal on this.
All in all, excellent show.

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