Sunday, September 10, 2017

Engelbert Humperdinck

  I saw Engelbert Humperdinck last night at the Westbury Theater. It's a theater in the round. When I first went in I didn't see any instruments on stage. My worst fears were going to come true. He's going to sing to a tape. But then off the stage, I saw the drum set and other instruments. I was so relieved.
 It's Engelbert's 50'th Anniversary tour. He made a lot of jokes about his age. At one point the two female backup singers came on stage and he was dancing with them. The the guitar player came on stage for a solo and the dancers left Engelbert for the guitar player and Engelbert was standing there with a "what the hell is going on" look on his face.
 The concert itself was really good. He's 81 and still has a really good voice. One thing I noticed when he sang. A lot of concerts I go to, the singer's lips are hitting the mic. Engelbert held the mic away from his mouth.
 He sang a lot of his greatest hits and the crowd sang along with him, especially on "Please Release Me."
 It wasn't a concert I would normally go to but I was glad I went. His singing was good, he was funny, the band was good and I saw a legend.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Cheap Phone Camera

It’s amazing the pictures you can take with a cheap phone camera. This was taken from the back of a ferry around 7 pm(?).

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Selfies are a weird thing. You get a bunch of people and have somebody take a picture of them, they just stand there and smile. Give somebody a selfie stick and they all go crazy. Here’s whey I think this happens. When somebody in taking a picture of them, they are not part of the group and the group tries to be nice. It’s like Bill Preston in the “Let It Be” movie. He comes in and the band in on their best behavior. Without him there, they fight all the time. Give somebody a selfie stick and the group don’t have to worry about outsiders. They can act whichever way they want.

Monday, April 17, 2017

This Is Messed Up

This is one of the reasons I hate the Long Island Rail Road. Some lady was going to catch the train. She was on the wrong side of the tracks when it pulled into the station. She was wearing heels and a dress  just below the knees. The train pulls in, she runs behind the train to cross the tracks, lifts her dress to climb over the small guardrail, runs on the grass, up the incline to the platform, gets to the train and they close the door on her.
The conductor, sticks his head out of the window to see if anybody is coming. There is no way he could have missed her.
Guaranteed  after work he was joking about it to the other conductors.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Deadly Mold ( and naked girls)

I was checking out the net the other day. I don’t know how this happened but I ended up one one of those sites that had naked girls on them. She was standing in a bathtub and was really hot looking. This girl was a 10. So I’m checking her out and noticed mold around the tub. This really grosses me out and I’m not talking about a little mold. I’m talking they haven’t cleaned the chalking in years. Now I can’t look at the girl. I enlarge the picture and checking out the mold.
Then later in the day. I see this picture of comic books this guy got at a flea market. They’re in a bag in his closet. The bag of books is suppose to be the main thing. I notice all the dirt in the closet door tracks. Firs thing that comes to mind is, “how can people live like this. It’s a pigpen.” Never would I let my place get like that.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

What Is She Doing Now

I took this picture back in the 1980’s in Penn Station. I was into photography back then and always carried my camera with me. Right when I took this picture, the little girl turned around and looked at me.
This picture haunted me for a long time. I always wondered what happened to that little girl. She probably is in her 30’s by now. I kind of wish I could find her and give her a copy of the picture.
Would be funny if I met her and gave her the picture and she said, “I always wondered what happened to that guy who took my picture way back when.”

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Killing Bigfoot

They have a new TV show called "Killing Bigfoot." Half the town wants to shoot Bigfoot, the other half wants to save him.
 This has to be the dumbest show ever. In order to kill Bigfoot, there has to be a Bigfoot. I seen the other Bigfoot shows, and not once did I see a Bigfoot.
 You watch some of these Bigfoot shows and the people are funny. Then bang on a tree with a stick and they hear an echo or some noise and they think it's Bigfoot. Like Bigfoot is going to walk around carrying a stick waiting for somebody to bang on a tree.
 If somebody asked me to go on a Bigfoot hunt with them I would probably go. It seems like a fun night. With my luck I would come fact to face with a Bigfoot and not have a camera. I would tell the rest of the group that me and Bigfoot were three feet apart. They would ask for a picture and I would say that I don't have one and nobody would believe me. Why would they believe me, they would think I'm making it up.

Brand X – “Moroccan Roll” (and friend)

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Two Cool Cars

Saw two really nice cars today.
                         1957 Chevy Belair

 I think this is a 1948(?) Lincoln Continental.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Church

I was talking to my friend today and she was telling me that she goes to church when she can. She asked me if I go to church. I told her I haven’t been to church in over thirty years.
The last time I went to church was for a baptism. It was a hot sunny day and I had to drive to southern Jersey. I got there late and the mass was going on. It’s very hot and there’s no wind blowing. I go walking into the church and see an easel on the right inside the doorway. I walk in on the left side not to hit it. As soon as I walk into church, the sign falls off and the easel falls down. Mass stops and everybody turns around to look at me. Everybody thinks I knocked it over. I was nowhere near it. I made sure I didn’t go near it. Now everybody had to watch me pick the stuff up and put it back together.
I know who did it.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Great Book Purge

I love to read. When I worked in Manhattan, I went through two books a week. I read mostly on the train.
Since I live in a small co-opt, I don’t have much room. So I turned my walk in closet into my library. I have my books and music in there. Unfortunately it’s gets crowed in there and I had books all over the place in there.
There were two times I gave away a bunch of books. Now whenever I see a book on the net that I used to have, it pains me. See, if I had a bigger place I’d make the basement into my personal space and have bookshelves all over the place in there. Even if I don’t read the book again, I can look at the cover and remember what the book is about.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Ever Notice

Ever notice that the people that never did drugs in their life are the first people to make drugs jokes and act like they’re high.

Way To Piss Off The Majority

of American’s that voted for Hillary Clinton.
                  “I’m your next president.”

The Scary Tree

The co-opt where I live installed new lights outside the building. They happen to be right outside my bathroom window. They’re so bright I don’t have to turn on my bathroom light.
I sent an email to the girl that lives upstairs from me and asked her what she thought of the lights. She said she don’t need a nightlight in her bathroom anymore. She asked me why they did it. I told her for two reasons:
  1. For safety.
  2. So people can watch me take a shower.
It’s so bright, I don’t turn on the light in the bathroom when I take a shower.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Stupid People On The Radio

I know, there’s a bunch of them. If you don’t agree with them, they’re stupid.
But some people are real stupid. I’m listening to the college radio station in my car before. A talk show starts and the guy is talking about the Presidential election and how he’s trying to make sense out of it. Dude, if you can’t figure this out by now there’s no hope for you. He goes on to say how he listens to MSNBS and CNN and every once in awhile he’ll checkout FOX. Then he goes on to say that FOX is the problem cause they agree with Trump and defend him all the time.
I have no problem with that. He’s right. You know what FOX is. A right wing channel. What this guy fails to realize, and what bugs me is that MSNBC and CNN are left channels. He thinks they’re down the middle.
These channels aren’t news channels. They’re entertainment channels. They say a little of the news then comment on them for your entertainment.
As long as you see this, you’re fine. If you hate one channel and love the other, you got problems.

Group Selfies

What is it with group selfies? You take a bunch of people, somebody stands in front of them and takes a  picture and everybody either looks normal or bored.
That same group will take a group selfie and they act like idiots.

Getting High

“I don’t smoke weed anymore. I get high naturally. I hang around the pot farms and smell the air.”

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.