Monday, January 2, 2017

Stupid People On The Radio

I know, there’s a bunch of them. If you don’t agree with them, they’re stupid.
But some people are real stupid. I’m listening to the college radio station in my car before. A talk show starts and the guy is talking about the Presidential election and how he’s trying to make sense out of it. Dude, if you can’t figure this out by now there’s no hope for you. He goes on to say how he listens to MSNBS and CNN and every once in awhile he’ll checkout FOX. Then he goes on to say that FOX is the problem cause they agree with Trump and defend him all the time.
I have no problem with that. He’s right. You know what FOX is. A right wing channel. What this guy fails to realize, and what bugs me is that MSNBC and CNN are left channels. He thinks they’re down the middle.
These channels aren’t news channels. They’re entertainment channels. They say a little of the news then comment on them for your entertainment.
As long as you see this, you’re fine. If you hate one channel and love the other, you got problems.

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