Friday, July 29, 2016

Hannity's Hair

 Every time I watch the Hannity Show, I keep looking at his hair. He could be ramblin’ on, talking for a half hour and I would not hear a word he said. I keep staring at his bad haircut.
What’s up with that part? It’s too low to be parted in the middle and too high to be parted on the side. It’s in the “Twilight Zone.”
It looks like it’s cut so the part should be lower. I think when he goes to the barber, the barber lowers the part and cuts it the right way. Then Hannity goes home and raises the part which messes up the haircut.
The sad thing about this is that nobody tells him how funny it looks.

Bring The Outside In

 I watch some of these home improvement shows and all say the same thing. They want to bring the outside in. Make it one big space. Inside and out, all one.
Are these people for real? There’s a reason I have screens on my windows and a screen door. If I open my doors and windows and bring the outside in, I’ll have bugs all over the place. It’s amazing how they never mention this on the shows. The doors and windows are wide open, bugs don’t go in?
These people must live on a planet that has no bugs.

Two Against Nature

From the "Ralph Rumpelton Collection of Fine Art."

Monday, July 25, 2016

A Work Of Art

Look at those curves, the form, the beauty. She’s a work of art.
Bettie looks hot also.

Bernie and Testicular Foritude

 If Bernie had any balls, he would show up at the DNC and rip them a new asshole. I don’t think he will though. Cause in the end…………………………….he’s just a politician like the rest of them.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

"Hey Boss"

The lady that lived next to me sold her co-opt awhile back. The place has been empty for months. Bout a month ago,  I saw a young guy standing outside the apartment. As I was going into my place he walked over to me and introduced himself. He seemed like a nice guy. He told me he just bought the place and is in the process of fixing it up. About three weeks later he moved in. In that three weeks he forgot my name. Now every time he sees me he says, “Hey Boss,” then we have conversation.
To me this is very disrespectful. I don’t think he means to do it, but it is. You call somebody “Boss” that you don’t know. The Dunkin Donuts by me, the guys in there call everybody “Boss.” They call me boss, I call them boss. It’s like a running joke in there.
So what I do with the guy next door from me, when I talk to him, I never call him by his name. I just say, “hi.”
I refuse to call him by his name until he calls me by my name. (lol)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Dylan playing poker with his band

 If you notice, Dylan is sitting in front of a mirror. Great songwriter, lousy card player.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.