Saturday, August 18, 2012


When Facebook was about to be traded, it was a big deal. A lot of people were asking me for advise since I used to work on Wall Street. My advise was to was to stay far away from it as possible. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy. They were telling me how popular Facebook is and how many people use it. We have to look at is as what it really is. It’s a website were people post mostly nothing. And this is Facebooks biggest selling point, their website.
What’s gonna happen is people are going to tire of Facebook as soon as something new comes along. Then what’s Facebook going to do. The website is their big seller.
Facebook opened around 38 dollars and now is selling under 19. When people see me now they think I’m a genius. I just tell them it was common sense.


Wouldn’t it be funny if Jason Bay got suspended for steroids.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Life On Mars!

Here’s proof that there is or was life on Mars. Here’s part of a picture that was taken on Mars. You can see the finger that’s buried in the ground. If they dig that up, they might find the rest of the Martian.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


"It’s always people that know the least that say the most."

Friday, August 3, 2012

Would You Like To Hang Out With Your Favorite Rock Star?

I was thinking about this the other day.What musician would I like to hangout out with for awhile. Then it came to me that if I hung out with them and didn’t like them, I would hate their music.
 Hanging out with Frank Zappa:
Hey Frank, the Giants are playing the Dodgers. I got some box seats down the first base line. Lets go.
Baseball is boring. It’s for boring people
Well then, lets go to the bar and have a couple of beers.
Are you kidding me. Hang out with the riff-raff.
What do you want to do then?
I’m gonna go in my basement and compose. I’m a composer.
Hanging with John Lennon:
Hi John.
You’re nothing but a dumb little twit. I was in The Beatles.
Want to hear the new Oasis single?
They’re nothing but a forth rate Beatle copy band. They couldn’t carry our jock strap.
Where you going?
Me and Yoko are going out to spread the word of peace and love.
Hanging with Brian Wilson:
Hi Brian.Brian? Hello. You there?

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.