Monday, January 30, 2012

There Is No Upside Down In Space

If there is no upside down in space, why is it every time you see two ships on Star Trek, they’re all right side up. Even if it’s a Federation ship and a Romulan ship, there right side up. You never see The Enterprise approach a ship and the ship is upside down.
The more I think of the upside down thing, it makes sense.
Lets say that space ship 1 is takes off from the North Pole of earth. It’s right side up. Space ship 2 (it looks like a 5 cause it’s upside down) takes off from the South Pole of Mars. Even tough, the South Pole of Mars is on the bottom  when the ship takes off, it’s right side up cause it’s taking off from the ground. Now the ships meet in the middle of space. Both ships think they’re right side up, but when they meet, they’re opposite. One ship is upside down (even though there is no upside down).
Lets say you’re on a base, on the South Pole of Mars and you have this really big, strong telescope. Even though you’re upside down (looking from Earth) you’re right side when you’re standing on Mars. You look through the telescope and see the ship takeoff from The North Pole of Earth. Looking from Mars, that ship would be upside down.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I know people who still use the word “anywho” and I still have no idea what it means.
“I went to the park the other day and it started to rain…….anywho…………once it stopped, we had a good time.”
I don’t get it. They could just say, “anywhy” and it would be the same thing.
Same goes for people that say something then at the end they say, “you know what I mean.” Once I hear that I say, “no.” Don’t matter, they just keep on rambling on.
I’m waiting for somebody to use, “anywho” in a sentence then at the end say, “you know what I mean.” That’s when I’ll pounce on them. “No I don’t know what you mean and can you tell me what the hell, “anywho” means.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Steven Tyler

If you seen the beginning of the Pats, Raven game, you would have seen something spectacular.  Steven Tyler trying to sing the National Anthem.  I’m not going to post the video cause it’s too painful (or just too funny) to listen to.
I was over my mother’s house when the game started. I was sitting on the couch and my mother was in the recliner.  They announce Steven Tyler was going to sing the National Anthem. I said “Oh on.” My mother said “what’s wrong.” I told her to just listen.
I understand why he sung. Areosmith is from Boston and he’s a hometown boy. So, I knew what was coming and wasn’t surprised.
What I am surprised about is that Tyler is a judge on American Idol. How can he sit in the judge seat and tell people how to sing when he’s a horrible singer.
I’m just waiting for him to tell a contestant, that they can’t sing well. I would say, “what are you kidding. I heard you sing before the game. You hit so many bad  notes I lost count and you’re tell me I can’t sing.”

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dead Till Proven Alive

I just mailed away for this!

I Know It Straight From The Book

I used to know a Manager in my old job who thought he was really smart. But he wasn’t. He didn’t know too much.
Everything he knew was word for word out of a book. If I had a question to ask him about something new we had to do,he would quote it word for word from the book. I would tell him, “Look I read the same thing. What does it mean.”  He would repeat the same thing, word for word. I would tell him again, I read the same thing, what does it mean. He would get really mad and repeat the same thing over and over.
It got to the point where I said to him, “If you don’t know what it means, can you find somebody who does know.” Then he would get really mad again and say, “I know what it means.” Then word for word again from the book.
It just goes to show, just because you memorized what you read, don’t mean you understand it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Football Playoffs

I’m not surprised The Giants beat The Packers. The Packers are Cheese and their secondary has more holes in it then swiss cheese. Shut down the Packers offense and the defense can’t stop anybody. Plus the fact that they were dropping balls left and right.
The Giants are a good team this year, they’re also a bad team. You don’t know what team is going to show up. Sunday,the good team showed up.
The 49ers, Saints game was some game.  I knew the Saints were going to score that last touchdown. Even though they had under two minutes left and had to go ninety yards, you could feel it. Brees was picking them apart the whole game. He knew what he had to do and he did it.
I thought the game was over. No way did I think the 49ers were going to score. I had the TV on but wasn’t watching it cause I thought it was over. When I heard what was going on, I looked at the TV and was shocked.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bseball Stuff

I don’t have many collectables baseball stuff but the ones I do have are pretty cool. On the left is a 1955 Phil Rizzuto baseball card. I bought this off a friend before The Scooter went into the Hall. I don’t remember him as a player, I grew up with him, White and Messer doing the Yankee games. There would be two on the TV and one doing radio and they would rotate. My favorite combination is Rizzuto and White. White had a way of getting Rizzuto going. He would say stuff like, “Hey Scooter, did you go to that Italian restaurant the other night?” They we would get three inning of Rizzuto telling us what he ate. And if the Yankees were scoring runs. Then if the Yankees were scoring runs he would say, “I talk about Italian food and the Yanks are scoring. Let me tell you what I had for dinner last week.”
To the right is Joe DiMaggio’s autograph on a paper card of him. There was a Bowery Saving Bank by me and Joe made an appearance there. My parents waited in line to see him. My mother said that grown men were crying when they saw him, telling him how great he was.
Here’s a commercial Joe was in:

It’s not the one I wanted to find. The one I wanted to post was the one with the Bowery jingle. It went something like:
“The Bowery
The Bowery
The Bowery pays a lot
The Bowery pays 6
when other banks do not.”
The bottom picture is Darryl Strawberry when he was on the Tidewater Tides. The back of the card is blank so I don’t know what year it’s from. I think it’s from “The Year Before Drugs.

Taking Over Your Mind

I read about it in books, seen it in movies. You watch TV and you get hypnotized. You just sit there and stare at the TV like your mind has become numb.
Well it finally has happened. Not with a movie but with a song. Let me warn you, if your driving and this comes on the radio, change the station as fast as you can. Last thing you want is to be driving with no control over your car. God only know what can happen.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Broncos 29 – Steelers 23

Somewhere in a lonely part of town, sitting at a table,  in a dark dingy kitchen……. Bill Maher and Satan are crying in their beer.

Friday, January 6, 2012


I heard U2′s “Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” on the radio before and it got me thinking. If Bono still hasn’t found what he’s looking for, with all his money, he can hire somebody to find it.
BTW, is it:

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.