Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tea Leaves

I’m moving up in the world of coffee and tea. I used to drink my coffee and tea with milk and sugar. Used tea bags and coffee in a can. No more. Now I grind my coffee beans and use tea leaves. Also, don’t use any sugar, little milk in my coffee and no milk in the tea. Pretty soon, it’ll be black coffee.
People tell me that grinding the coffee beans taste better. So far I haven’t seen much of a difference. Maybe if I buy real expensive coffee beans I’ll taste a difference but I don’t want to spend that much money on coffee.
With the tea, I taste a difference. I got green tea leaves and the tea is green. The green tea bags, it’s not so green. But then again, what can you expect for one dollar for one hundred green tea bags. It was a good deal so I bought it. Taste good but it’s not green.
I figure, since I’m going hardcore here. Why bother grinding the coffee beans. I’ll just take a handful and suck on them.
Then with the tea leaves, I’ll do like the baseball players do. I’ll take a wad of the stuff and put it in the side on my mouth. I’ll look cool spiting out green spit.
Next thin you know, I’ll be growing my own weed.

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