Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Creeper

 I'm in my living room today. My front door has a half circle on the top. I see my storm door open up very slowly. I don't hear anything, I just see it. Then through the mail slot in the door an envelope comes through. Again very quiet. If I didn't see it, I wouldn't know what was happening. It doesn't fall to the floor, it just stays there. Again, no drop, no noise.
 It reminded me of a murder mystery. The storm door opens up very slowly. Then a dart gun comes through the mail slot. Next thing you know, I feel a pinch in the back of my neck. The room starts to spin and down I go. Next day the cops are there checking out the dead body.
 Back to reality. I thought it was the girl that lives upstairs putting a Christmas card in the slot. I was gonna run over and yank the door open and scare her. Then I thought better of it. When I looked at the envelope, it didn't have my name on it. It was more the girl upstairs name but the handwriting was really bad.
 I wrote an little note and taped it to the envelop saying The Creeper dropped this off at my house and put it in her mail slot.

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