Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Colin Kaepernick and the NFL Sponsors

This whole Colin Kaepernick thing with him kneeling, other black players giving the black power salute is kind of blowing over. Nobody cares anymore what they do. At first it was a shock, but now, who cares. The camera goes on them for a second, the song is over and people are ready for the game.
However if you want to get back at them, there’s one easy thing to do. You don”t have to write letters to the NFL, or protest outside the stadium.
Just boycott the NFL sponsors and watch the fun start. They lose money, they pull out of the NFL. The NFL has a hard time getting sponsors, all hell breaks out, and the people have spoken.
And who are the NFL sponsors. Well here’s a list of some of the big ones:
( I hate Budweiser anyway)

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