Monday, July 23, 2012

Bob Dylan at Budokan

(from the Ralph Rumpelton Collection of Fine Art)
I remember having this in album form. I hated it. Then when the CD came out I figured, why not and bought it. Still hated it so I gave it away. Then it was the only Dylan CD I didn’t have so I bought it again.
I read a couple of things about this album. Dylan needed money for alimony so he went to Japan to do a couple of shows. The promoters there wanted him to do his hits. Dylan did not like being told what songs to do so he changed them radically.  You got flutes and horns, reggae versions of songs, and big band versions.
After all these years it’s still not one of my favorites, but I don’t hate it like I used to. It’s just a part of Dylan’s career. When I listen to it like that, I like it.

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