I can’t believe The Torch died. What a way to go, getting killed by a bunch of giant insects. I don’t know what kind of insects but I think it was beetles. Paul and Ringo did him in.
Here’s how I would have done it. The Kingpin is in the room with a bunch of villains. He telling everybody that there is a bounty on The Torch’s head. When the meeting is over and everybody is leaving the room he says, “Last one out, turn out the light.” The last one to leave is Mr. Fire Extinguisherman. That’s how The Torch gets it. Mr. Fire Extinguisherman has The Torch trapped in the corner and lets him have it.
So now what happens to The Fantastic Four. Do they become “The Above Average Three?” Maybe they could do what The Rolling Stones did, just get a new guitar player. Finding somebody that can burst into flames will be hard so they might settle for somebody with high blood pressure.
They could get out of the Super Hero business all together and go into music and call themselves, “Richards, Storm and Thing.” “RS&T” opening for “CS&N.”
It’s they first time on stage and Thing says, “It’s hot as hell up here.” Then they launch in to a series of songs, “Light My Fire,” “Fire,” “The Heat Is On,” and for the encore, “Hunk Of Burning Love.”