Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day?

Ever have a grownup come up to you and say "Have a Happy Turkey Day." I just look at them and don't say anything. I could understand little kids saying "Happy Turkey Day" cause it's cute and funny. A 55 year old lady saying it is not cute or funny. Well, it's funny in a funny way cause you look at her and think, is she trying to be hip. It just don't work.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I went to the Post Office today to mail a package. I had to be stuck in back of some lady who was buying stamps. How hard can buying stamps be? Does it have to take twenty minutes to pick out what design on the stamps that you want. All stamps do is give the post office the ok to send the package. Does anybody look at what kind of stamps are on the envelope when you get it. Are you gonna turn away a package because it has a Bert and Ernie stamp on it.
So, twenty minutes later, with the clerk getting pissed, the people on line getting pissed, the lady finally decides on polar bear stamps. Twenty minutes to pick Fu*kin polar bear stamps.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mass Transit

I'm going into the city tomorrow. I'm taking the Long Island Rail Road. A round trip ticket cost me thirty dollars. How can they expect people to stop driving and take mass transit when they charge prices like this.
If four people were to go to the city, it would be $120, then the subway. A lot cheaper way to go is to drive the car into Queens, then take the subway. Four people chip in five dollars apiece for gas, then four dollars for the subway. It comes out a lot cheaper.


I got to get a second job.

Monday, November 2, 2009


On a scale of 1 to 10, Sophia is off the chart.

Next Blog

Ever hit the "Next Blog" on the top of the page. It's a good idea to have up there, you get to checkout some blogs and see what they do with their blog. Only problem I have with it is, every time I hit the "Next Blog," I get one that's not in English. I could hit fifteen blogs in a row without getting one in English.
What Google should do is have it so if you only want to see the English blogs, that's what you see. Hit Spanish and you see the Spanish blogs.

Lets put our heads together

Ever see when people get their pictures taken they put their heads together. They could be sitting ten feet apart, somebody would come up with a camera to take their picture and they automatically put their heads together. Their bodies stay ten feet apart, but they stretch so their heads touch.
I've seen this done with people that don't even know each other. It's like they want to make sure that they're close enough so both of their heads get in the picture.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.