Friday, January 30, 2009

Economic Stimulus Plan

Good news for this blog. The stimulus plan just past and I'm getting five million dollars for this blog. So as soon as I get back house hunting from Bora Bora (whenever that'll be) there's gonna be big changes here. Music, movies, contest and a lot more. Thank you Obama.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jessica Simpson

I read that the media is making fun of Jessica Simpson's weight. They got to be kidding. This is what a real woman is suppose to look like. Not like those skin and bones model that look like they haven't had anything to eat in years.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Nobody listens to music on an IPOD (pronounced ip-od) and nobody makes a phone call on an IPHONE (pronounced ip-hone). "I got some cool tunes on my ipod. I'll email (pronounced em-ail) you some. But first I got to checkout something from igoogle (ig-oogle). Thats one of my favorite suearch engines, igoogle."

I find these small lETTERS in front of the words iMPOSSIBLE to rEAD sometimes. I like to know wHO made this cRAP up.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Aretha Franklin

You have to ask yourself, why would anybody wear a hat like this? I have a theory, no matter how funny they look in them, they want people to talk about them. You don't look at Aretha Franklin and listen to her sing. You look at her and think, "why is she wearing that funny hat? nobody could look good in that." Even the hottest looking girl, you look at her and say, she's hot, whats up with the hat."

Friday, January 23, 2009

X-ray Glasses

Anybody remember these? When I was young I saved up one dollar and sent away for them. I thought I could see throught things with them. Not to mention looking at girls. What a rip, I couldn't see through anything. It took me a couple of day to see through this scam.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I don't understand why people think he can walk on water. They think he's the greatest thing in the world. It's Obama-mania running wild. Don't get me wrong, I hope he does a good job but lets wait before we say how great he is.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Weeding album

This is my first album review for this blog, I want to start it off right. So I was listening to The Wedding album which I call the Weeding album cause it's like a bad weed. Lennon put out some great music with the Beatles then he puts this weed with Yoko. The only reason this album sold (somebody must have bought it) is cause Lennon was a Beatle.

The first song is called "John And Yoko." It's John calling Yoko and Yoko calling John. I once read that that they recorded it in bed. How big was was this bed that they couldn't find each other and had to keep on calling.

Next up is "Amsterdam." The song starts out with Yoko screaching for peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeace. Then it goes into an interview saying that they want peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeace. I want peeeeeeeeeeeeeeace from this song.

Believe it or not ,"Who Has Seen The Wind" isn't a bad song. Yoko is singing, not yelling and it has some nice acoustic and Japeneese sounding music behind it.

Next is "Listen, The Snow Is Falling." Now this isn't the greatest song but for Yoko it isn't bad.

Last song is "Don't Worry, Kyoko." If I was Kyoko, I'd be worried. Imagine if Yoko finds you and sings to you every night.

Notice I didn't mention Lennon much. Basically besides calling for Yoko, he just strums acoustic guitar.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What's Up?

Ever walk by somebody and say, "What's up" not expecting an answer. It's just another way of saying 'hi." "Hey, what up" and they say "what's up" also and keep on walking. I know somebody that if you way "what's up" to them they'll give you a fifteen minute speech on "what's up" with them. You try to be nice to them and listen but you got things to do and they keep on rambling on about stuff you don't care about. So from now on what I do is, I don't even say hi. I just nod my head and keep on walking before they can say a word cause I really don't want to know what's up with them.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Scale

I finally got a new scale with the bounce back effect. My old scale was broke. If I stepped on the scale with a lead feet, my weight shot up and stayed there. If I stepped on it lighty, it didn't go up to the exact weight. That part I didn't mind. This scale goes up then comes down to my right weight.
"Crazy Chester followed me, and he caught me in the fog.He said, "I will fix your rack, if you'll take Jack, my dog."I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know I'm a peaceful man."He said, "That's okay, boy, won't you feed him when you can."

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.