Tuesday, April 14, 2015

When Did It Stop Being Beatle Music

 I was listening to Harrison’ “33 1/3″ the other day. I thought this album is when I stopped thinking of him as a Beatle. “Dark Horse” with Phil Spector producing could have been “All Things Must Past Part 2.” “Extra “Texture” still had some Beatles elements in it. on “33 1/3″ it’s all Harrison, no Beatles.
  So the rest of The Beatles.
Wings always reminded me of a Beatles wannabe band. Good music there. “Tug Of War” with Martin producing had Beatle music. “Pipes Of Peace” even though it had Martin producing, didn’t think of The Beatles. McCartney did come back to Beatle music on “Chaos and Creation In The Back Yard” and “Memory Almost Full,” then left it on “New.”
Ringo Starr:
  Once Ringo hooked up with Mark Hudson on “Vertical Man,” I stopped thinking about The Beatles. I’m glad he’s not with Hudson, I couldn’t stand the production.
John Lennon I always thought of as a Beatle cause he didn’t put out that many solo albums. Even though he was the one Beatle that wanted to shed the Beatle image.

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