Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tom Jones

Patient: 'Doctor, I can't stop singing 'The green, green grass of home'.'
Doctor: 'That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome....'
Patient: 'Is it common?'
Doctor: ”It's not unusual....'

Saturday, February 16, 2013

TV Bathrooms

I noticed something really funny about bathrooms on TV. HGTV has all these shows where people go to look at houses that they want to buy. Every time they go to look at a house, they walk in the kitchen, living room, bedroom and the rest of the rooms. When it comes to the bathroom, they stand outside and poke their heads in. I don’t know if it’s some unwritten TV  rule that says you can’t go into the bathroom, or they’re afraid of getting cooties.  The whole family all poke their heads in at one time.
I’m over my mother’s apartment today, watching some flip this house show and I mentioned this to her. She said that’s really funny cause one of her neighbors and his mother came over to see her apartment. When it came time to look at the bathroom, they didn’t go in, they just poked their heads in.
I’m thinking, people must think, “this is where they do their personal business, I don’t want to intrude on it. I’ll just take one quick look, say nice then move on.”

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Problem With Bed Sheets

The problem with bed sheets is I always put them on wrong. If they don’t have stripes on them, I never get it on the firs,t or second try. I go to put them on and they don’t fit. So I turn them around. They still don’t fit. How could I have turned them around 360 degrees. All I wanted to do was a half turn.  How could I mess that up. My mother never had a problem with this. She throws the sheets in the air and they land the right way. I look at it, think it’s right and hope for the best.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


“Some people look at things and say why. I look at things and say what.”

Monday, February 4, 2013


(from the Ralph Rumpelton Collection of Fine Art)

Halftime Show

Anybody see the halftime show with Beyonce? I was watching it with some young people and they said the same thing I said. It wasn’t that good. Too much dancing and not enough singing. And the songs she did sing, she said a lot of “come on sing.” I think that’s what she was saying, it was something like that.
When I see her, I see a third rate Tina Turner. Tina was a lot better singer,
and dancer.
 I’m watching The Beach Boys 50th Anniversary DVD and was wondering how The Beach Boys would go over at halftime.
Let’s face it, it’s a tough spot. You only get about 20 minutes, no chance to
warm up the crowd and you have to try to please all age groups. And people just want the second half to start so they want yo off as soon as possible.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.