Monday, October 29, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012


A couple of pictures I took of NRBQ from The Pastime Pub in Amityville back in the late 70′s. Me and my friends went there thinking another band was going to be there. When we got there we saw the roadies unloading NRBQ’s equipment from the truck into the bar. I remember the piano coming out of the truck. I don’t think I ever saw a band with a real piano in a bar before. They were a couple of bucks more then your average band but we figured, what the hell, we’re here already. I’m glad we stayed. I never seen a band like this before. They didn’t play regular Rock music, they played everything. The thing I remember most about the concert was Tom Ardolino’s drumming. Every time he hit the drums, it looked like the kit was going to fall apart, then at the last second, it went back together.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


(from the Ralph Rumpelton Collection of Fine Art) My good friend Ralph Rumpelton sent me his latest, a takeoff on Picasso’s “Hands Holding Flowers.” Ralph calls his, “Squeezing Flowers.”
I went to Google to see what the original looked liked and found that there were a couple of them. I go to one website cause the paintings on there looked really good, better then most. When I got to the site, I find out that the pictures I liked were painted by 2nd graders. I coldn’t believe it, they were just as good as Picasso’s. But since Picasso painted it first and it’s done by him and nobody would have cared if it was done by a 2nd grader first anyway, the original is worth a ton of money.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

“Vinny’s Room”

(from the Ralph Rumpelton Collection Of Fine Art)
 Here it is, a takeoff on Van Gogh’s “Vincent’s Room.”

Then Rumpelton had a great idea, put somebody in the bed.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Al (It's too High) Gore

Can anybody be more dumber then him? Maybe the people that believe him.
He said the reason that Obama did so bad in the debate was because he got to Denver two hours before the debate and the high altitude got to Obama.
Maybe if Obama got there a day or two earlier and did his homework, he would have done better.
He should just quote Leon Russell:
“ohh the altitude
seems to get to me”

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sorry Sorry Night

One of the few Ralph Rumpelton oil painting, titled, “Sorry Sorry Night.” . Done on canvas about 20 years ago. Currently hanging in Fla. The genesis for the painting is a series of drawings Rumpelton did titled, “On The Road To Bora Bora.” It has the main character, Sid getting away from the hustle and bustle and walking to Bora Bora.
Van Gogh would be so proud.

Monday, October 1, 2012


"Two Musicians And Somebody Holding Sheet Music"
(From the Ralph Rumpelton Collection Of Fine Art)

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.