Monday, November 28, 2011


When I worked in Manhattan (1980 -2001) I did a lot of reading, mostly on the Long Island Rail Road.There used to be this guy who had a table out on the corner by J&R Music World (by City Hall). He had paperback books for one dollar.
Even though I read the “Dune” series, I picked this up for one dollar. It was printed in 1965. I bought it for the cover. I love those Sci-Fi covers from the 60’s and 70’s.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Don't Tell Me

Ever meet people that think they know it all. No matter how little they know on a subject, they act like they’re experts.
I was over somebody’s house and the discussion was about baseball. We’re talking about Fenway Park where the have the Green Monster. The “know it all” says, “The outfielders should play in so if the ball goes over their head’s they can catch it off the wall for an out. Everybody just ignored him cause what he said was wrong and stupid. The more people ignored him the more he kept on yelling “Catch it off the wall, catc it off the wall.” People were trying to be nice to him but finally somebody yelled at him, “You can’t catch it off the fucking wall for an out. Once it hits the wall it’s like hitting the ground.”
 That shut him up for awhile.

Jerry Garcia

Smoke them if you got them.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


"Why’s it called Bigfoot? It should be Bigfeet."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bob Dylan’s other Judas Moment

Everybody know the time somebody in the crowd yelled out “Judas” to Dylan cause he went electric and Dylan said to his band, “play fucking loud.” There was another time somebody yelled out something to Dylan that got him pissed.
Dylan was doing “All Along The Watchtower” and changed the words around a little. He  sang:
“”There must be some kind of way out of here,”
Said the joker to the thief,
My feet really hurt
I can’t get  no relief”
Then somebody in the crowd yelled out, ” Get some Dr. Scholls.”
Dylan stopped singing, turned to his band and said, “Let Jimi have the song.”

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jimi Hendrix and the Gay Connection

What does Hendrix have to do with the gay crowd? The color purple, is the color for gay pride. In the Teletubbies, Tinky Winky is purple. Everybody thought Tinky Winky was gay because he’s purple. The name don’t help either. Where does Hendrix fit in with this. One of Hendrix’s biggest songs is “Purple Haze.” There’s a line in it that goes, “Scuse me while I kiss this guy.” The gay crowd heard the song, love it and adopted purple as their color.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sha Na Na Teen Angel Sep 23, 1970

While my friends were into Led Zeppelin, I was into Sha Na Na. They thought I was so uncool, but what did they know. I didn’t bow to peer pressure and like what everybody else liked.This was the band!
If there was one band I could be in this would be it. I love the 50′s music. Just give me a guitar, stick me in the background and I would be in heaven.
BTW, Sha Na Na’s “The Golden Age Of Rock And Roll” is now out on CD. Life is good.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Kryptonian Klap Is…………………..Fake!

When I first posted about “The Kryptonian Klap,” I tried to find it online in another site to see if it was real. I couldn’t find it. The cover looked so good, I thought it was real. Keith  ( ) went looking for it  and couldn’t find it. The reason we couldn’t find it listed anywhere else is because it’s a fake.
Here’s the first cover
On the Kryptonian Klap cover, most of this cover is what Superman is holding in his hand.
Now, here’s the original cover it was inserted to
Put them together and you get this:

Was I ever wrong. I was even looking on Ebay to see if they had it. it would have made a great story.

Lois, and the Kryptonian Klap

Do you believe this comic!? If something like this came out today there would be a major uproar over it.
First of all, I didn’t know Superman could get sores. He has a super immune system to fight this kind of stuff.
Then I got to thinking, this isn’t regular klap, it’s kryptonian klap. One of Superman’s enemies had to infect Lois someway to give it to Superman.
But wait, I didn’t know Superman and Lois, you know………………did it.
Or maybe, Lois is just a Superhero groupie. She gets around more then Herman Cain.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Frank Zappa

I saw this Frank Zappa tribute band the other day. It wasn't what I expected.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Grand Pa Munster and Donald Fagen, Brothers?

“Discussing Where To Put The Little Black Dots On The Paper”

Mozart, Garcia, Beethoven, McCartney and Zappa discuss the fine art of songwriting.

"Beach Boys "SMiLE""

I’ve been listening to this. The sound is excellent and a big improvement over
some of the boots.
I have to ask, how would this have been received back in the 60’s? No matter
how far out they got, it was still the Beach Boys. I don’t think the young hip,
out of sight audience would have gone for it since it was The Beach Boys.
A lot of The Beach Boys image problem was The Beatles. They wanted to keep up
with The Beatles. The Beatles are changing and so should we. The Beatles started
off as a Rock band, then when Epstein managed them, they got cute. So The
Beatles could have went back to being a Rock band since it was in them.
The Beach Boys started out as a Pop, Rock vocal group. Change for them was
didn’t come easy.
Now, what would have happened if they listened to Mike Love and sang about
Surfin’ and girls? There were still bands that did this stuff in the late 60’s
and had hits. Maybe the Beach Boys could have weathered the hippy storm till it
blew over.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Messing around online and came across an old comic book cover, “Superman vs Spiderman.” They made it look like it was an even fight. Are they kidding. Superman would destroy him in 2 seconds. He could burn him with his x-ray vision. Fly around him so fast it would start a hurricane and take Spiderman away. Blow a cold blast of air on him and freeze him. Or he could just punch Spiderman in the head and knock his head off his body.
 Then I got to thinking, some superheroes aren’t superheroes. They might be nice guys, but not superheroes. Batman has no powers. He has a nice car and some fancy gadgets, but no super powers. Same for Captain America. He even uses a gun. How many superheroes use a gun.
Green Lantern, no super powers but a nice ring.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.