Sunday, November 27, 2011

Don't Tell Me

Ever meet people that think they know it all. No matter how little they know on a subject, they act like they’re experts.
I was over somebody’s house and the discussion was about baseball. We’re talking about Fenway Park where the have the Green Monster. The “know it all” says, “The outfielders should play in so if the ball goes over their head’s they can catch it off the wall for an out. Everybody just ignored him cause what he said was wrong and stupid. The more people ignored him the more he kept on yelling “Catch it off the wall, catc it off the wall.” People were trying to be nice to him but finally somebody yelled at him, “You can’t catch it off the fucking wall for an out. Once it hits the wall it’s like hitting the ground.”
 That shut him up for awhile.

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