Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The End Of The World Has Come And Gone

Here’s what I don’t understand about all this end of the world stuff. People were giving their money away. I read that some people were even sending Harold Camping money. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s a good life for him.
Lets look at this logically. The end of the world is coming. If you really believe this, why would you give your money away? No matter who you gave it to, they’re not going to be able to spend it cause it’s the end of the world. Wouldn’t it make more sense to keep it in case it don’t come.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

“It’s Been Real”

What does that mean? Your talking to somebody for awhile, then they say, “It’s been real,” and they leave. Not, ‘nice talking to you,” “see you later,” they say, “it’s been real.” I just look at them and say “yea.”
How do they know if it’s been real. Maybe he’s talking to somebody who is not telling him the whole truth. Then he say’s “it’s been real,”  and the guy is thinking, sucker.
I know people that love to talk. You can’t ask them “how you doing” cause they’ll give you a twenty minute answer. The same person that gives the twenty minute answer to “how are you doing” will come over to me at work and talk to me when I’m really busy. I won’t pay any attention to him and he’ll just keep on talking. Don’t some people take a hint. If I’m not answering your question, it’s means I’m not listening to you.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.