Thursday, February 11, 2010

Robert Gibbs

Things are getting really bad for Obama. Robert Gibbs is mocking Sarah Palin. It's only 2010 and the Obama team is going into attack mode. MSNBC talks about her all the time.
What are they so afraid of? Instead of attacking Palin, shouldn't the Obama team talk about the great year it's been for Obama. OK, maybe it wasn't such a great year for him. He could talk about what a good year 2010 will be.
The best thing they could do would be to ignore Palin, that goes for MSNBC. With them talking about her, it shows that there's nothing good to talk about with Obama. So, it's on to attack mode.


Milton said...

I guess Palin does not understand satire and she complains about telaprompters, but does this hand jive, what a hypocrite. I have not seen this since junior high. She is so perfect for “Fake News”, so much for being a private citizen. I guess Palin failed to watch President Obama answer questions at the GOP retreat in Baltimore, no teleprompters or crib notes on the hand. But I guess those facts would only blow her poor little Beauty Queen from smallville mind, who could not finish her highest office that she ever held, quit making excuses for her! WOW and some call her a leader…….please.

Anonymous said...

"blow her poor little Beauty Queen from smallville mind"

Wow!! I take it you don't like people from small towns.


Anonymous said...

You might want to learn the definition of "attack mode." Unless Gibbs is calling her a socialist and accusing her of palling around with terrorists, you don't know the meaning.

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