Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Cards

There's some people that when they make out their Christmas cards, they have a list of who sent them cards. They'll only send cards to people that sent them cards. Or they'll give somebody one more chance and if they don't send me a card, I'm not sending them a card next year.
I got to admit, I sent out very few cards. Why should I sent out cards to people that I don't speak to all year, then have go through all the trouble of writing out the cards, the envelope, stamps and all the other stuff. The people that I keep in contact with, I send them cards.
For some reason people were still sending me cards. People that I haven't sent to cards to in years were sending me cards. I don't know why. Then this year something funny happened, either they all lost my address or they smartened up. They might have said, "After fifteen year of sending him cards, I don't think we're gonna get one back." It's just funny how it all happened at once.
I did get a card this year. I'm still trying to figure out who it was from. I have no idea who these people are who sent the card.

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