Thursday, December 31, 2009

T.A.M. I. Show

Finally The T.A.M.I Show is going to be released on DVD. This video is from parts of The T.A.M.I. Show and other shows. My father took me to the movies when this came out. James Brown scared me. I was a little kid and didn't know this was part of the act. I thought there was something wrong with him. He was having a nervous breakdown right on the stage.
This was one of those moments that stayed with me till this day. I'm just glad Brown was alright and it wasn't real.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Van Morrison

Van Morrison at 64 just became a dad. Here's one of the very first pictures of the little guy. He looks just like his dad.

Peyton "Cry Baby" Manning

Last Sunday when the Colts were playing The Jets, Peyton Manning was taken out of the game. The Colts put in their third string quarterback. Instead of doing the right thing which would have been to give encouragement to the rookie, Manning stood on the sidelines with his arms folded and a puss on his face. I was waiting for him to cry. The rookie wasn't doing that good, Peyton could have given him some advise. That 's the way it works, the older players help the new guys. But no, Manning just stood there like he wanted to cry.
Which brings me to the prima donna, Brett Favre. Two weeks ago the Viking coach wanted to take Favre out of the game. Vikings were losing and Favre wasn't playing well. So to save him for the playoffs, the coach wanted to rest him. Favre, didn't want to come out, so he stayed in. Can you imagine Bart Starr telling Vince Lombardi he's not coming out.
The Viking coach should have pulled a Gil Hodges. He should have called a timeout, then walk out to the field and escort Favre out of the game.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

People that don't listen

Ever talk to people that don't listen? You'd be talking to them and you can see them thinking what to say. They get all fidgety cause they want to talk. They'll never ask you a question about what you said, they just want to talk about themselves. You'll talk for thirty seconds then they go on for five minutes about what they did.
There's a reason you have two ears and one mouth. You should listen twice as much as you speak.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chris "I'm The Slime" Matthews

This is what it comes down to. The guy is a tool of the government. The best part is he comes right out and admits it on TV.
Chris Matthews reminds me of the Frank Zappa song, "I'm The Slime."

I am gross and perverted
Im obsessed n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
I make you think Im delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin out
From your tv set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't got for one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

That's right, folks..
Don't touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin along on your livinroom floor

I am the slime from your video
Cant stop the slime, people, lookit me go

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Soy Bomb Is Sick Of Love

This is the famous Soy Bomb incident. I thought it was part of the show. Dylan looks a little startled here. Still, he carries on.
The Soy Bomb guy did a couple of shows in clubs after this. Guess he figured he would be famous now. Karma got him, every time he did a show, somebody from the audience would jump on stage and interrupt him.

Health Bill explained

A lot of people are confused about the Health bill. Even people that voted for Obama are confused. I heard that even Obama is confused. Well, I'm going to try to explain it.
Obama was pissed at the health insurance companies. I don't remember if this was before or after he was pissed at Wall Street and Fox news. We'll call the insurance companies, the "Big Bad Booty Daddy." Seems like the Big Bad Booty Daddies were making too much money. So Obama wanted to cut them down to size. He wanted a "PO" (public option). The PO was suppose to make the Big Bad Booty Daddy, the Little Good Booty Daddy. See, Obama wanted a piece of the action, he figured he can move in on them. Make some money. So the bill went for a vote. They needed sixty votes. They were a couple short. The smart senators didn't vote for it, even though that wanted to. They had the perfect plan, make them pay ransom. And they did pay ransom, big time. Obama had to pay a lot of money to get the sixty. The ones that voted for the bill in the first place, are kicking themselves in the ass for not holding out.
The Bill is suppose to cover everybody. You have to buy health insurance or you could be fined. Of cause, if you can't afford health insurance, good luck paying the fine.
A funny thing happen when the bill was being voted on in the senate, they dropped the PO. This was the whole idea of the bill. The PO was going to be competition for the Big Bad Booty Daddy.
Obama is now trying to save face by saying that the PO wasn't part of the plan. He never campaigned for it. Everybody is calling him a liar except for Chris Matthews. But we all know that Matthews is just a tool for Obama so you can't believe anything Matthews says.
So in a nutshell, this is what we have.Obama is forcing you to buy insurance from the very people he was trying to put out of business.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Cards

There's some people that when they make out their Christmas cards, they have a list of who sent them cards. They'll only send cards to people that sent them cards. Or they'll give somebody one more chance and if they don't send me a card, I'm not sending them a card next year.
I got to admit, I sent out very few cards. Why should I sent out cards to people that I don't speak to all year, then have go through all the trouble of writing out the cards, the envelope, stamps and all the other stuff. The people that I keep in contact with, I send them cards.
For some reason people were still sending me cards. People that I haven't sent to cards to in years were sending me cards. I don't know why. Then this year something funny happened, either they all lost my address or they smartened up. They might have said, "After fifteen year of sending him cards, I don't think we're gonna get one back." It's just funny how it all happened at once.
I did get a card this year. I'm still trying to figure out who it was from. I have no idea who these people are who sent the card.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Oh Mercy"

Bob Dylan's big comeback album. Everybody thought he was washed up. Then he came out with this gem and he's been on a roll ever since.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Bowl Games

Remember when there used to be for or five College Football Bowl games? They used to be played on New Years Day and I think The Fiesta Bowl on New Years Eve. Now you can't get away from Bowl games. Some of these teams play on .500 ball and they're in a Bowl game. It's like the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, they'll let anybody in.
This year in Bowl games, there:
Poinsettia Dec. 20/9 p.m. San Diego Utah vs. Navy ESPN
New Orleans Dec. 21/8 p.m. New Orleans Florida Atlantic vs. Memphis ESPN2
PapaJohn' Dec. 22/11 a.m. Birmingham, Ala. Cincinnati vs. Southern Miss ESPN2
New Mexico Dec. 22/4:30 p.m. Albuquerque, N.M. Nevada vs. New Mexico ESPN
Las Vegas Dec. 22/8 p.m. Las Vegas BYU vs. UCLA ESPN
Hawaii Dec. 23/8 p.m. Honolulu East Carolina vs. Boise State ESPN
Motor City Dec. 26/7:30 p.m. Detroit Purdue vs. Central Michigan ESPN
Holiday Dec. 27/8 p.m. San Diego Texas vs. Arizona State ESPN
Texas Dec. 28/8 p.m. Houston TCU vs. Houston NFL
Champs Sports Dec. 28/5 p.m. Orlando, Fla. Boston College vs. Michigan State ESPN
Emerald Dec. 28/8:30 p.m. San Francisco Maryland vs. Oregon State ESPN
Meinke Car Care Dec. 29/11 a.m. Charlotte, N.C. Wake Forest vs. UConn ESPN
Liberty Dec. 29/4:30 p.m. Memphis, Tenn. Central Florida vs. Mississippi State ESPN
Alamo Dec. 29/8 p.m. San Antonio Penn State vs. Texas A&M ESPN
Independence Dec. 30/8 p.m. Shreveport Colorado vs. Alabama ESPN
Armed Forces Dec. 31/10:30 a.m. Fort Worth, Texas Air Force vs. Cal ESPN
Sun Dec. 31/2 p.m. El Paso, Texas South Florida vs. Oregon CBS
Humanitarian Dec. 31/2 p.m. Boise, Idaho Georgia Tech vs. Fresno State ESPN2
Music City Dec. 31/4 p.m. Nashville, Tenn. Florida State vs. Kentucky ESPN
Chick-fil-A Dec. 31/7:30 p.m. Atlanta Clemson vs. Auburn ESPN
Insight Dec. 31/5:30 p.m. Tempe, Ariz. Indiana vs. Oklahoma State NFL
Outback Jan. 1/11 a.m. Tampa, Fla. Wisconsin vs. Tennessee ESPN
Cotton Jan. 1/11:30 a.m. Dallas Missouri vs. Arkansas FOX
Gator Jan. 1/11 a.m. Jacksonville, Fla. Virginia vs. Texas Tech CBS
Capital One Jan. 1/11 a.m. Orlando, Fla. Michigan vs. Florida ABC
Rose Jan. 1/4:30 p.m. Pasadena, Calif. USC vs. Illinois ABC
Sugar Jan. 1/8:30 p.m. New Orleans Georgia vs. Hawaii FOX
Fiesta Jan. 2/8 p.m. Phoenix Oklahoma vs. West Virginia FOX
Orange Jan. 3/8 p.m. Miami Virginia Tech vs. Kansas FOX
International Jan. 5/10 a.m. Toronto Rutgers vs. Ball State ESPN2
GMAC Jan. 6/8 p.m. Mobile, Ala. Tulsa vs. Bowling Green ESPN
BCS Title Jan. 7/8 p.m. New Orleans Ohio State vs. LSU FOX

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Ever see the commercial for this on TV? All the girls look normal, then they put these funny things in their hair and they become Cone Heads. It looks like their head is all deformed. The one in the picture here is bad, but on the commercial some of them look really bad. You look at them and say, "What the hell is wrong with their heads."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Some sounds really just bug me. I can't watch a cowboy movie cause I can't stand the sound of horses galloping. I don't know why that it. The sound of the horses gets on my nerves. Another sound that bothers me is the sound of people typing fast. It sounds like horses galloping.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ron Wood

What do you think? Is this a wig or is this a wig? I think I saw his picture in a commercial for Hair Club For Men.
It looks like a hat of hair just plopped down on his head. Picture him without all that wig. He'll look like some old man.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.