Thursday, December 31, 2009

T.A.M. I. Show

Finally The T.A.M.I Show is going to be released on DVD. This video is from parts of The T.A.M.I. Show and other shows. My father took me to the movies when this came out. James Brown scared me. I was a little kid and didn't know this was part of the act. I thought there was something wrong with him. He was having a nervous breakdown right on the stage.
This was one of those moments that stayed with me till this day. I'm just glad Brown was alright and it wasn't real.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Van Morrison

Van Morrison at 64 just became a dad. Here's one of the very first pictures of the little guy. He looks just like his dad.

Peyton "Cry Baby" Manning

Last Sunday when the Colts were playing The Jets, Peyton Manning was taken out of the game. The Colts put in their third string quarterback. Instead of doing the right thing which would have been to give encouragement to the rookie, Manning stood on the sidelines with his arms folded and a puss on his face. I was waiting for him to cry. The rookie wasn't doing that good, Peyton could have given him some advise. That 's the way it works, the older players help the new guys. But no, Manning just stood there like he wanted to cry.
Which brings me to the prima donna, Brett Favre. Two weeks ago the Viking coach wanted to take Favre out of the game. Vikings were losing and Favre wasn't playing well. So to save him for the playoffs, the coach wanted to rest him. Favre, didn't want to come out, so he stayed in. Can you imagine Bart Starr telling Vince Lombardi he's not coming out.
The Viking coach should have pulled a Gil Hodges. He should have called a timeout, then walk out to the field and escort Favre out of the game.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

People that don't listen

Ever talk to people that don't listen? You'd be talking to them and you can see them thinking what to say. They get all fidgety cause they want to talk. They'll never ask you a question about what you said, they just want to talk about themselves. You'll talk for thirty seconds then they go on for five minutes about what they did.
There's a reason you have two ears and one mouth. You should listen twice as much as you speak.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chris "I'm The Slime" Matthews

This is what it comes down to. The guy is a tool of the government. The best part is he comes right out and admits it on TV.
Chris Matthews reminds me of the Frank Zappa song, "I'm The Slime."

I am gross and perverted
Im obsessed n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
I make you think Im delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin out
From your tv set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't got for one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

That's right, folks..
Don't touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin along on your livinroom floor

I am the slime from your video
Cant stop the slime, people, lookit me go

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Soy Bomb Is Sick Of Love

This is the famous Soy Bomb incident. I thought it was part of the show. Dylan looks a little startled here. Still, he carries on.
The Soy Bomb guy did a couple of shows in clubs after this. Guess he figured he would be famous now. Karma got him, every time he did a show, somebody from the audience would jump on stage and interrupt him.

Health Bill explained

A lot of people are confused about the Health bill. Even people that voted for Obama are confused. I heard that even Obama is confused. Well, I'm going to try to explain it.
Obama was pissed at the health insurance companies. I don't remember if this was before or after he was pissed at Wall Street and Fox news. We'll call the insurance companies, the "Big Bad Booty Daddy." Seems like the Big Bad Booty Daddies were making too much money. So Obama wanted to cut them down to size. He wanted a "PO" (public option). The PO was suppose to make the Big Bad Booty Daddy, the Little Good Booty Daddy. See, Obama wanted a piece of the action, he figured he can move in on them. Make some money. So the bill went for a vote. They needed sixty votes. They were a couple short. The smart senators didn't vote for it, even though that wanted to. They had the perfect plan, make them pay ransom. And they did pay ransom, big time. Obama had to pay a lot of money to get the sixty. The ones that voted for the bill in the first place, are kicking themselves in the ass for not holding out.
The Bill is suppose to cover everybody. You have to buy health insurance or you could be fined. Of cause, if you can't afford health insurance, good luck paying the fine.
A funny thing happen when the bill was being voted on in the senate, they dropped the PO. This was the whole idea of the bill. The PO was going to be competition for the Big Bad Booty Daddy.
Obama is now trying to save face by saying that the PO wasn't part of the plan. He never campaigned for it. Everybody is calling him a liar except for Chris Matthews. But we all know that Matthews is just a tool for Obama so you can't believe anything Matthews says.
So in a nutshell, this is what we have.Obama is forcing you to buy insurance from the very people he was trying to put out of business.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Cards

There's some people that when they make out their Christmas cards, they have a list of who sent them cards. They'll only send cards to people that sent them cards. Or they'll give somebody one more chance and if they don't send me a card, I'm not sending them a card next year.
I got to admit, I sent out very few cards. Why should I sent out cards to people that I don't speak to all year, then have go through all the trouble of writing out the cards, the envelope, stamps and all the other stuff. The people that I keep in contact with, I send them cards.
For some reason people were still sending me cards. People that I haven't sent to cards to in years were sending me cards. I don't know why. Then this year something funny happened, either they all lost my address or they smartened up. They might have said, "After fifteen year of sending him cards, I don't think we're gonna get one back." It's just funny how it all happened at once.
I did get a card this year. I'm still trying to figure out who it was from. I have no idea who these people are who sent the card.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Oh Mercy"

Bob Dylan's big comeback album. Everybody thought he was washed up. Then he came out with this gem and he's been on a roll ever since.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Bowl Games

Remember when there used to be for or five College Football Bowl games? They used to be played on New Years Day and I think The Fiesta Bowl on New Years Eve. Now you can't get away from Bowl games. Some of these teams play on .500 ball and they're in a Bowl game. It's like the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, they'll let anybody in.
This year in Bowl games, there:
Poinsettia Dec. 20/9 p.m. San Diego Utah vs. Navy ESPN
New Orleans Dec. 21/8 p.m. New Orleans Florida Atlantic vs. Memphis ESPN2
PapaJohn' Dec. 22/11 a.m. Birmingham, Ala. Cincinnati vs. Southern Miss ESPN2
New Mexico Dec. 22/4:30 p.m. Albuquerque, N.M. Nevada vs. New Mexico ESPN
Las Vegas Dec. 22/8 p.m. Las Vegas BYU vs. UCLA ESPN
Hawaii Dec. 23/8 p.m. Honolulu East Carolina vs. Boise State ESPN
Motor City Dec. 26/7:30 p.m. Detroit Purdue vs. Central Michigan ESPN
Holiday Dec. 27/8 p.m. San Diego Texas vs. Arizona State ESPN
Texas Dec. 28/8 p.m. Houston TCU vs. Houston NFL
Champs Sports Dec. 28/5 p.m. Orlando, Fla. Boston College vs. Michigan State ESPN
Emerald Dec. 28/8:30 p.m. San Francisco Maryland vs. Oregon State ESPN
Meinke Car Care Dec. 29/11 a.m. Charlotte, N.C. Wake Forest vs. UConn ESPN
Liberty Dec. 29/4:30 p.m. Memphis, Tenn. Central Florida vs. Mississippi State ESPN
Alamo Dec. 29/8 p.m. San Antonio Penn State vs. Texas A&M ESPN
Independence Dec. 30/8 p.m. Shreveport Colorado vs. Alabama ESPN
Armed Forces Dec. 31/10:30 a.m. Fort Worth, Texas Air Force vs. Cal ESPN
Sun Dec. 31/2 p.m. El Paso, Texas South Florida vs. Oregon CBS
Humanitarian Dec. 31/2 p.m. Boise, Idaho Georgia Tech vs. Fresno State ESPN2
Music City Dec. 31/4 p.m. Nashville, Tenn. Florida State vs. Kentucky ESPN
Chick-fil-A Dec. 31/7:30 p.m. Atlanta Clemson vs. Auburn ESPN
Insight Dec. 31/5:30 p.m. Tempe, Ariz. Indiana vs. Oklahoma State NFL
Outback Jan. 1/11 a.m. Tampa, Fla. Wisconsin vs. Tennessee ESPN
Cotton Jan. 1/11:30 a.m. Dallas Missouri vs. Arkansas FOX
Gator Jan. 1/11 a.m. Jacksonville, Fla. Virginia vs. Texas Tech CBS
Capital One Jan. 1/11 a.m. Orlando, Fla. Michigan vs. Florida ABC
Rose Jan. 1/4:30 p.m. Pasadena, Calif. USC vs. Illinois ABC
Sugar Jan. 1/8:30 p.m. New Orleans Georgia vs. Hawaii FOX
Fiesta Jan. 2/8 p.m. Phoenix Oklahoma vs. West Virginia FOX
Orange Jan. 3/8 p.m. Miami Virginia Tech vs. Kansas FOX
International Jan. 5/10 a.m. Toronto Rutgers vs. Ball State ESPN2
GMAC Jan. 6/8 p.m. Mobile, Ala. Tulsa vs. Bowling Green ESPN
BCS Title Jan. 7/8 p.m. New Orleans Ohio State vs. LSU FOX

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Ever see the commercial for this on TV? All the girls look normal, then they put these funny things in their hair and they become Cone Heads. It looks like their head is all deformed. The one in the picture here is bad, but on the commercial some of them look really bad. You look at them and say, "What the hell is wrong with their heads."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Some sounds really just bug me. I can't watch a cowboy movie cause I can't stand the sound of horses galloping. I don't know why that it. The sound of the horses gets on my nerves. Another sound that bothers me is the sound of people typing fast. It sounds like horses galloping.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ron Wood

What do you think? Is this a wig or is this a wig? I think I saw his picture in a commercial for Hair Club For Men.
It looks like a hat of hair just plopped down on his head. Picture him without all that wig. He'll look like some old man.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day?

Ever have a grownup come up to you and say "Have a Happy Turkey Day." I just look at them and don't say anything. I could understand little kids saying "Happy Turkey Day" cause it's cute and funny. A 55 year old lady saying it is not cute or funny. Well, it's funny in a funny way cause you look at her and think, is she trying to be hip. It just don't work.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I went to the Post Office today to mail a package. I had to be stuck in back of some lady who was buying stamps. How hard can buying stamps be? Does it have to take twenty minutes to pick out what design on the stamps that you want. All stamps do is give the post office the ok to send the package. Does anybody look at what kind of stamps are on the envelope when you get it. Are you gonna turn away a package because it has a Bert and Ernie stamp on it.
So, twenty minutes later, with the clerk getting pissed, the people on line getting pissed, the lady finally decides on polar bear stamps. Twenty minutes to pick Fu*kin polar bear stamps.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mass Transit

I'm going into the city tomorrow. I'm taking the Long Island Rail Road. A round trip ticket cost me thirty dollars. How can they expect people to stop driving and take mass transit when they charge prices like this.
If four people were to go to the city, it would be $120, then the subway. A lot cheaper way to go is to drive the car into Queens, then take the subway. Four people chip in five dollars apiece for gas, then four dollars for the subway. It comes out a lot cheaper.


I got to get a second job.

Monday, November 2, 2009


On a scale of 1 to 10, Sophia is off the chart.

Next Blog

Ever hit the "Next Blog" on the top of the page. It's a good idea to have up there, you get to checkout some blogs and see what they do with their blog. Only problem I have with it is, every time I hit the "Next Blog," I get one that's not in English. I could hit fifteen blogs in a row without getting one in English.
What Google should do is have it so if you only want to see the English blogs, that's what you see. Hit Spanish and you see the Spanish blogs.

Lets put our heads together

Ever see when people get their pictures taken they put their heads together. They could be sitting ten feet apart, somebody would come up with a camera to take their picture and they automatically put their heads together. Their bodies stay ten feet apart, but they stretch so their heads touch.
I've seen this done with people that don't even know each other. It's like they want to make sure that they're close enough so both of their heads get in the picture.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Light Bulbs

I work in retail. I see people standing in front of the light bulbs for 30 minutes trying to pick out the right bulb.
Is picking out a bulb tough? If your75 watt bulb blew out you get another 75 bulb to replace it. Is there any need to stand in front of the bulbs and pick up every bulb to see if it's the right one?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Obama bumper stickers

Remember these bumper stickers? Before the election I used to see them all the time. Lots of cars had them.
Only reason I'm bringing this up is cause I saw one today. Then it got me to thinking. Where are all the other cars that had them on? If you voted for Obama, you would leave it on . Unless, you think you made a mistake by voting for him and didn't want anybody to know. Before it was cool to vote for Obama, now the way things are going, nobody wants to admit they voted for him.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cell Phones

I hate calling people that only have a cell phone and no home phone. You call
them up and their at somebody's house and you feel bad talking to them cause
your interrupting them. I just hang up and say I'll call back another time.
It's kind of like when your at a restaurant with somebody and they get a call and start yaking on the phone for ten minutes straight. When they do that I eat all the food. (lol)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chevy Chevette

I saw one of these on the road today (the car, not the girl). What a shocker to see one. I thought they were all in the rust bin. This one looked like it was brand new, driven right off the lot.
The person that owns it had to be somebody that takes it to shows cause it looked that good.
Imagine taking it to a show with a lot of fancy cars here here you showing up with a Chevette. Park it next to the Corvair and you'll be fine.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mike Francesa

Ever met somebody that thought they knew it all. No matter what they said, they were right. Imagine somebody like this on a sports radio show taking calls. That's Mike Francesa, aka "Mr. Know It All." Not only does he thinks he knows it all, but he's rude to the people calling in to the show.
Somebody called in and had a question about the "S.D. Chargers." Mr. Know It All says, "Why do you want to talk about that? We're talking baseball here. The guy says, "Isn't this a sports show?" "Know It All" starts to put the guy down then said, "Ask your question."
Know It All, should be happy that people want to call in and talk to him. He thinks he's doing everybody a favor by being on the radio.
Ever since "Mad Dog" left the show. It's been going downhill. I don't know why WFAN keeps him on the radio when they have other people that can do a lot better job.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dallas Cowboys

You could have had 40 million people in your ugly new stadium and you still would have lost.

People who back into parking spots

What is wrong with these people? Do they think it's going to save them time when they pull out of the spot when it takes them five minutes to pull in.
It's really sad watching these people try to back in. Even with no cars on either side it takes them hours to park between the lines.

Jets beat the Pats

I thought for sure the Pats were going to win. The Jets were trash talking all week. I thought there were going to eat humble pie.
This is only the second pro game for Mark Sanchez. He looks like he's going to be good. Still, they were going up against The Pats. What a surprise. Defense, that what won the game. They were all over Brady.
The Jets did something I thought teams should have done a long time ago. With a couple of minutes left in the game and The Pats had the ball, the Jets didn't go into the prevent defense. They rushed seven guys on Brady and kept the pressure on him. Had they gone into the "prevent," ten yards here, ten yards there and the next thing you know the Pats score.
Now it's the Giants-Cowboys game. I'm more interested in that thing they call a stadium, then the game.

Lennon and Harrison

John Lennon George Harrison - Recording Oh My Love (1971)

Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot


Monday, September 7, 2009

The Worst Uniform Ever?

Is this the worst uniform ever? Granted the White Sox had some bad ones, and they could be up there.
Look at these Padre uniform's from the 1970's. Brown and mustard color, tight and no belt. No wonder baseball was tough to look at in the 70's. They didn't look like baseball players, they looked liked a joke.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

El Rayo-X

One of my alltime favorite albums. It's mostly in the Tex-Mex style.
When you talk about guitar players, Lindley has to be mentioned. Anything stringed he can play.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The McCartney

This is McCartney meets The Hulk. I call it..........."The McCartney."

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Studio Tan"

My version of Zappa's "Studio Tan" album. "Sleep Dirt" might be next.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

TV screen

You see the size of this TV screen? What's the point of going to the game if your eyes are going to be focus on the screen?
Going to a football game, you should watch the field. Most people in the nose bleed section will probably watch the screen. I'd rather be in a bar some where watching the game with a bunch of friends instead of pissing away money to the stadium.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I started a new hobby. Painting album covers using MS Paint. There's only so much you can do with this program, that's what makes it fun.
I'm gonna try to do "Abbey Road" soon.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

say what

ever see people that write like this on the internet they dont use any caps commas or periods they just keep on writing you dont know what theyre saying cause depending where you put the period or comma it could change the whole sentence they just ramble on and on to something else that you think they were talking about but they really mean something else but you dont know it cause by the time youre done reading it you have no idea what theyre talking about so what i do is just not read it anymore

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Silver cars

I posted about this before. Lots of people where I live have a silver car. I don't know what's so great about silver. Do they think when they go to trade it in they're going to get more money? Here you go Mrs. Roberson, $15,000 for your car. If it was a white car, I would have only given you $200 for it, but this is a real silver car.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Ever listen to people and they use the expression, "anywho?" They'll be talking, stop to pause, then say "anywho" and go on. Whenever they say that I just give them a look like they said something stupid. It makes no sense at all.
It's like the people who say something then say "you know what I mean." I always say, "no." Then with me saying no, they should explain what they said. Instead they go on like I never said anything. Every time they say "you know what I mean," I keep saying no. After awhile it gets funny cause they don't even know they're saying it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Winning Home Runs

God willing I made through another day! There's a trend in baseball that's really funny. Whenever somebody hits a winning home run the whole team got to home plate to greet him. Then when he crosses the plate, the team hugs and jumps up and down. I think they rehearse this cause I never saw anybody out of step. For once I like to see somebody out of sync and have the whole team beat up on him.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

God Willing

Ever talk to people in their 60's and 70's and say to them, "I'll see you tomorrow." They reply, "God Willing." It got to the point where I ask these people if they expect to die tonight. Hey, you never know they say.
Well I do know. These people are going to live to be 180 years old. I know somebody who is in his 80's but looks like he's in his 50's. Not a wrinkle on him, all his hair and thin. He walks everyday. Every time I see this guy he tells me he don't have long to live. I'm sick of hearing it. He wants me to tell him what great shape he's in, but I don't anymore. I got a couple of things that I want to tell him, but because I don't want to hurt his feelings, I won't.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fall of Civilization

I knew the world was going to hell in a bucket when they started putting chains on bank pens. Remember going to the bank and the pens would have no chains on them and they would be in the right spot every time. Then one day I went to the bank with my parents and there it was, the pens were attached to chains. It was a big deal at the bank, people were talking about how the pens were being stolen.
Now, I can see a bank robber stealing money from the bank, but to take pens that people used every day was a real crime.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mia Farrow

Well, Mia Farrow is going on a hunger strike in support of the people of Darfur. I think it's great to take up causes but lets look at this "hunger strike." She gained 9 pounds before she went on it. Is this like training for a marathon where you run every day. I'm gonna go on a hunger strike so I better gain weight, so at the end of the strike, I'll be the same weight as when I started.
Mia is going to strike for 21 days if she can last that long. I thought part of the idea behind a hunger strike was "I'm gonna get what I want, or die." Not, "I'm gonna get what I want, but if my health gets bad, I'll come off it."
I can get what she's trying to do but it makes her look like it's all about me.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pink Yankee caps

Can you believe that people wear these pink Yankee caps? And the people that wear them walk around all tough looking, like "It's my pink Yankee cap, what are you gonna do about it."

I just came back from a bunch of stores. I wanted to get a Yankee hat for around 15 dollars. All they had in that range was, pink, red, green, and hats with stripes. Everything but a regular blue Yankee caps.

They had blue ones alright, if I wanted to spend 40 dollars. Noway I'm going to spend 40 dollars for a cap. I don't care how official it is.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bon Jovi

Bon Jovie is suing cover bands that have names similar to theirs. They just stopped a girl Bon Jovie cover band called Blonde Jovie from using the Blonde Jovie name cause it was too close to Bon Jovi. Like people can't see it's five girls up there on stage.
So from now on if you ever get sued, you can say you "Been Jovied."

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Whats up with that dress. Looks like they mashed two photos together. They placed Beyonce's top on another girls bottom. You could place beer cans all around her hips. That's not a bad idea.

With all the pics of her wearing this, I have yet to see a pic of backside in this. A lot of guys would love to see that.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I like to do a little painting. It started out with drawings on small pieces of paper. Then I wanted to see how I could do with oils. What a big difference. Not only did you have to do the images, you had to get the paint on the canvas in a certain way. Just the right amount to paint, the brush strokes, no bleeding and other stuff. Then I figured out to how to use paint thinner on the paint to thin it out on the canvas.

I don't expect to see my name up there with Dali or Pissaco anytime soon. This is just for me to mess around with.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Edward Liddy

I feel bad for Edward Liddy (head of AIG). He came out of retirement and is working for one dollar to try to fix AIG. He had to go before the blowhards of Congress and explain the bonuses, which weren't really bonuses. They were for retention for the people to come back next year.

All the people that got this money weren't the people who drove AIG down, these people came in are working to fix AIG.

Congress, kept on hammering Liddy about why the bonuses (I'll call them bonuses here) were handed out. Liddy kept on saying that the contract were written up before he got there and he had to honor them. Congress didn't undersand that and kept on asking him over and over the same question and Liddy kept on giving them the same answer.

I won't even get into the fact that the goverment knew about the bonuses. That's a whole different ballgame.

I would have liked to see Liddy go off on them. He could have said, "I'm working for one dollar to fix this company. If you so holy, why don't you work for a dollar and give the people in your district your money. I'm sure they could use it."

Now people are saying that the AIG employees that took the money are greedy. I don't see it like that. I see it as a deal. You work here for a year and you get this much money. Both sides agreed on it. Being greedy is if the company said and you agree on 2 million at the end of the year, and it's in writing, then at the end of the year you say I want 4 million. That's being greedy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Silver Cars

Whats the deal with silver cars? Almost everybody where I live has a silver car. Do they think it's made out of real silver? I came home from work one day and parked my red car in the middle of ten silver cars. I wish I took a pic of it.
I had a friend that said he would never get a silver car. He said it blended in with the road and you can't see it. I told him if you can't see a silver car coming at you, you need new glasses.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Owen Wilson

Owen Wilson has to be one of the worst actors I ever seen. Every movie I saw him in he has the same hair style and talks the same way. It seems like he don't go to makeup. He just shows up and does the movie in his regular clothes. If he played "Superman" he wouldn't wear the costume, or dye his hair or even talk different. He would just show up and tell them to roll the cameras.

For once I like to watch an Owen Wilson and not realise that it's Owen Wilson on the screen.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bono slams illegal downloaders


U2 rocker Bono has slammed music fans who download songs illegally - insisting laws against the practice will eventually be tightened when movie studios begin to lose revenue through the web.

Bono admits that as a "rich rock star" he has doesn't want more money - but is adamant musicians should not be allowed to lose income through the internet.

The rocker is convinced the fight must go on against the practice, but fears police will not be granted powers to prosecute offenders properly until they get the backing of Hollywood executives -when the illegal downloading of films becomes as common as music.

He tells USA Today, "People think people like me are overpaid and over-nourished, and they're not wrong. What they're missing is, how does a songwriter get paid?

"It's not the place for rich rock stars to ask for more money, but somebody should fight for fellow artists, because this is madness. Music has become tap water, a utility, where for me it's a sacred thing, so I'm a little offended (by illegal downloading).

"The music business has been thrown to the dogs legislatively. That will change when file-sharing of TV shows and movies becomes as easy as songs. Somebody is going to call the cops." <<<<

Doesn't Bono know that there are millions of poor people out there who like U2. If they buy U2 CD's they can't afford food. So in order to eat, they have to illegally download the music.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

You got to be kidding me!

I went to Taco Bell today. While waiting in line in my car, I seen a girl with earrings almost this big walk into the store. First thing that came to my mind was, "get me a basketball, I want to shoot some hoops". I figured I could use the side of her head as a backboard. With those hoop earrings, I'd be hitting three pointers all day.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hey Tony

I got a little problem at work. I work at night and every once in awhile,maybe once or twice a week for two hours a night I run into this guy.When I first met him, he called me Tony. I didn't say nothing I just said Hi, and kept on walking. I didn't think it was a big deal cause I don't see him much. He says, Tony, I say Hi, and we keep on walking.This been going on for over a year now.Now the problem is, I'm seeing this guy more and more and he's starting to talk to me. Every time he talks to me he calls me Tony. The other day, I'm working and he comes over to me shaking his head saying, "Tony, Tony, Tony." I don't want to tell him my name isn't Tony cause he's been calling me Tony for so long and I didn't correct him, I feel he has a right to call me Tony.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Approval rating for the Stimulus package is down to 35%. Is it any wonder why it fell so low. Once the American people found out about all the junk that's in there, they got turned off to it.

Obama said there was going to be a change in Washington. According to this bill it's "meet the new boss, same as the old boss." You could also say, "the more things change, the more they remain the same."

With all the TV coverage going on about this, I'm surprised nobody did the obvious. Find out who put all this junk in here, interview them and ask them how it will jump start the economy.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Super Bowl Halftime Show

I figured out whats wrong with the Super Bowl halftime show. They get all these lame artist for halftime. McCartney, Springsteen, Stones, Petty, all good artist but not right for halftime. What they do is try to get people that don't watch the game to turn in to see the show hoping they'll stay and watch the rest. They should do something for the real football fans. The ones that jump up and down and shout at the TV. Get a band like that. Get Black Sabbath. Football is a violent game. Get a band that sings about the devil, violence and all the other good stuff. This will get the crowd pumped and the players pumped.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Michael Phelps

The poor guy. He could go out to bars and drink and it's alright. Smoke some pot and it's like it's the greatest crime in the world.

Look at Bill Clinton, he smoked (but didn't inhale) and he became the president of the United States. There's still hope for Michael Phelps.
"Up in smokeThats where my money goes
In my lungs
and sometimes up my nose
When troubled times
Begin to bother me
I take a tokeand all my cares
Go up in smoke"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Timothy Geithner

At first I was thinking, why did Obama pick this guy to be the head of the IRS? Then it hit me. He's perfect for the job. What better way to catch people that haven't paid their taxes then with somebody that didn't paid his taxes and knows the ins and outs of beating the system. This guy won't look at the money that's coming in. He'll look for the money that isn't there. And he'll know where to look. He's like another Alexander Monday.
We give Geithner a big "Thumbs Up."

Friday, January 30, 2009

Economic Stimulus Plan

Good news for this blog. The stimulus plan just past and I'm getting five million dollars for this blog. So as soon as I get back house hunting from Bora Bora (whenever that'll be) there's gonna be big changes here. Music, movies, contest and a lot more. Thank you Obama.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jessica Simpson

I read that the media is making fun of Jessica Simpson's weight. They got to be kidding. This is what a real woman is suppose to look like. Not like those skin and bones model that look like they haven't had anything to eat in years.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Nobody listens to music on an IPOD (pronounced ip-od) and nobody makes a phone call on an IPHONE (pronounced ip-hone). "I got some cool tunes on my ipod. I'll email (pronounced em-ail) you some. But first I got to checkout something from igoogle (ig-oogle). Thats one of my favorite suearch engines, igoogle."

I find these small lETTERS in front of the words iMPOSSIBLE to rEAD sometimes. I like to know wHO made this cRAP up.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Aretha Franklin

You have to ask yourself, why would anybody wear a hat like this? I have a theory, no matter how funny they look in them, they want people to talk about them. You don't look at Aretha Franklin and listen to her sing. You look at her and think, "why is she wearing that funny hat? nobody could look good in that." Even the hottest looking girl, you look at her and say, she's hot, whats up with the hat."

Friday, January 23, 2009

X-ray Glasses

Anybody remember these? When I was young I saved up one dollar and sent away for them. I thought I could see throught things with them. Not to mention looking at girls. What a rip, I couldn't see through anything. It took me a couple of day to see through this scam.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I don't understand why people think he can walk on water. They think he's the greatest thing in the world. It's Obama-mania running wild. Don't get me wrong, I hope he does a good job but lets wait before we say how great he is.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Weeding album

This is my first album review for this blog, I want to start it off right. So I was listening to The Wedding album which I call the Weeding album cause it's like a bad weed. Lennon put out some great music with the Beatles then he puts this weed with Yoko. The only reason this album sold (somebody must have bought it) is cause Lennon was a Beatle.

The first song is called "John And Yoko." It's John calling Yoko and Yoko calling John. I once read that that they recorded it in bed. How big was was this bed that they couldn't find each other and had to keep on calling.

Next up is "Amsterdam." The song starts out with Yoko screaching for peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeace. Then it goes into an interview saying that they want peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeace. I want peeeeeeeeeeeeeeace from this song.

Believe it or not ,"Who Has Seen The Wind" isn't a bad song. Yoko is singing, not yelling and it has some nice acoustic and Japeneese sounding music behind it.

Next is "Listen, The Snow Is Falling." Now this isn't the greatest song but for Yoko it isn't bad.

Last song is "Don't Worry, Kyoko." If I was Kyoko, I'd be worried. Imagine if Yoko finds you and sings to you every night.

Notice I didn't mention Lennon much. Basically besides calling for Yoko, he just strums acoustic guitar.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What's Up?

Ever walk by somebody and say, "What's up" not expecting an answer. It's just another way of saying 'hi." "Hey, what up" and they say "what's up" also and keep on walking. I know somebody that if you way "what's up" to them they'll give you a fifteen minute speech on "what's up" with them. You try to be nice to them and listen but you got things to do and they keep on rambling on about stuff you don't care about. So from now on what I do is, I don't even say hi. I just nod my head and keep on walking before they can say a word cause I really don't want to know what's up with them.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Scale

I finally got a new scale with the bounce back effect. My old scale was broke. If I stepped on the scale with a lead feet, my weight shot up and stayed there. If I stepped on it lighty, it didn't go up to the exact weight. That part I didn't mind. This scale goes up then comes down to my right weight.
"Crazy Chester followed me, and he caught me in the fog.He said, "I will fix your rack, if you'll take Jack, my dog."I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know I'm a peaceful man."He said, "That's okay, boy, won't you feed him when you can."

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.