Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Jorma Burger

If I get overtime, sometimes I go to The Bagel Doctor for breakfast. Every once in awhile there’s this guy working behind the counter who looks like =
a young Hot Tuna Jorma Kaukonen. He’s talking to me and I can’t understand him, he has to repeat everything. Part of it is my fault cause it’s been so busy at work, I’ve been out of it. My eggs are cooking and he’s ringing me up and asked me if I was going. The way he said it, it sounded like something big was happening and everybody was going and he wanted to know if I was going. So I said, “going where?” Then he said, “you going to eat here or go.” So I said I’m going.
When I left the guy was probably thinking, whats wrong with this guy.

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