Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sun Ra - "Super-Sonic Jazz"

(from The Ralph Rumpelton Collection of fine art)
I went to Manhattan the other day and stopped in J&R Music World. The only place where you can really buy CD’s. I picked up Ra’s “Super-Sonic Jazz.” Can you imagine going into a Best Buy and asking for this. They would give you the puppy dog look. Head tilted to the said and eyes with the blank stare.
I’m a big fan of Sun Ra but not like my friend Ed. I mention Ra to him and he starts jumping up and down telling me about the times he seen him and all the people that played in his band. He knows his shit. With any Jazz band he could tell you who played in the band and from what years.
Anyway this CD is not as strange as some of his other. Some of the songs are straight Jazz.
Anybody that likes Zappa, Beefheart or music that’s a little different should checkout Sun Ra.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ghost Hunters

I was watching back to back episodes of “Ghost Hunters” tonight. I don’t know why I did. All that show is people talking to an empty room. Then at the end of the show they go over the evidence.  Even I use my wildest imagination,  I still can’t hear “get out” on the tape. And that’s after they fix up the tape.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dylan Does Harrison

A lot of people cover Bob Dylan songs. I’m listening to George Harrison’s “Dark Horse” album now. I was thinking, this would be a perfect album for Dylan to cover. The songs are really good and it’s Harrison sounding somewhat like Dylan. If Dylan covered it, it would be, “Dylan, Sounding Like Dylan doing Harrison.”A lot of people cover Bob Dylan songs. I’m listening to George Harrison’s “Dark Horse” album now. I was thinking, this would be a perfect album for Dylan to cover. The songs are really good and it’s Harrison sounding somewhat like Dylan. If Dylan covered it, it would be, “Dylan, Sounding Like Dylan doing Harrison.”

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Beach Boys

I went to the local Record Show this morning. I normally go later in the
afternoon cause it's really crowded in the morning but I got things to do later.
I'm walking up and down the aisles and find this table with some albums, and
ticket stubs on it. Behind the table are posters. One of the posters is a Beach
Boys "Sunflower" poster The guy behind the table is talking with someone telling
him that the posters go for hundreds of dollars. So the guy behind the table
finally gets done talking with the customer and I say to him, "I heard you say
those poster go for hundreds of dollars. Just wondering how much that Beach Boy
poster is." He goes, "It's not in the best shape, you can have it for 5
dollars." I had my money out in a half of second.
It's not in the best shape, it's really big and it's mounted on cardboard. I
don't know what I'm gonna do with it, but I'm glad I got it.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Answering Machine

I like to call people and get their answering machine and tell them to call me back. When they call back, I pretend I don't know why they're calling.

Ronnie Lane

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Howard Cosell – Telling It Like It Is

A typical Cosell call:
Frank Gifford: Here’s the kickoff. Bob Jackson caught it at the 2. At the 10.
Howard Cosell: Bob had a tough life. His parents found him in a box at the door step.
F G:  Cut’s back, now he’s at the 20.
H C: His father left him when he was 5. His mother became a prostitute.
F G: Now he’s at the 40 with running room.
H C: He turned to drugs when he was 15.
F G: He’s at the 50 with only the kicker to stop him.
H C: Got his life straighten out through sports.
F G: He’s at the 30 with nobody near him.
F G: Touchdown.
H C: An amazing life.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.