Wrestling is in bad shape now and I blame it on one person, Vince McMahon. Taking over all of wrestling might be good for the WWE but it killed wrestling everywhere.
When Vince McMahon Sr. broke away from the NWA and formed the WWWF, he said he was going to respect the territory’s. Then Vince Jr. brought the company from his dad. Vince Sr. went around and told all the promoters that his son is going to invade their area.
So here’s what’s the big problem with wrestling. When you had the AWA, NWA, WCCW, Georgia Wrestling, they were building stars there. So when somebody from another wrestling federation came to the WWWF, you were all excited to see them. Ric Flair from WCW, The Road Warriors from the AWA, The Free Birds from WCCW, they came to the WWWF, they made an impact right away feuding with the WWWF stars. People were waiting to see who would come over.
Now what do you have, the WWE has to build it’s stars in it’s wrestling school, bring the up to the big time and you supposed to be excited.
These guys in Nexus aren't even mid carders and they’re being pushed as stars. Can you name some big match's they had? I’m not talking about the 5 on 1 beat downs. They haven’t had done anything.
There is nobody in the WWE that I would pay to see. In fact, I find it very hard to watch on TV.