Sunday, June 27, 2010


Couple of weeks ago I went to Best Buy to look at printers. The Salesman from Cannon was there and I was talking to him for awhile about the Cannon printers. He was trying to get me to buy one but I just went there to look. I wanted a lot of info before I made my pick.

I checked the net for reviews, spoke to my friends and checked out what was around. I decided to get the Epson NX420. So I go back to Best Buy and The Cannon guy is there along with the Epson guy. I had to walk past the Cannon guy to get to the Epson printers. The Cannon guy saw me and probably thought I was going to speak to him. I felt funny walking past him to get to the Epson guy. While I was talking to the Epson guy the Cannon guy kept on looking over at me. Maybe he thought I was a traditor!

I buy the printer and I’m walking out of the store and who’s in back of me but the Cannon guy. I was waiting for him to come over to me to convince me to return the Epson and buy a Cannon. Turns out his car was parked a couple of spaces from me, so he didn’t come over to. Good thing, this would have been the last thing I needed with the hot, I just wanted to get home and hook it up.

I get home, hook it up, go to print the first thing and the paper gets jammed. All the printer says is “paper jam.” No where does it say how to get the paper out. After messing with it, I got it working and so far, it works really well.

The Band - "Islands"

This review from AMG:
Theoretically, even though the Band had given up touring as of Thanksgiving 1976, they were going to keep making records, and Islands was the first album released in the new era. Only it wasn't; it was the album they scraped together to complete their ten-LP contract with Capitol Records and the last new full-length album the original five members ever made. The playing, as ever, was impeccable, and the record had its moments, notably a Richard Manuel vocal on the chestnut "Georgia on My Mind" that had been released as a single in 1976 to boost Georgia governor Jimmy Carter's successful run for the presidency. But the songwriting quality was mediocre, and the Band had set such a standard for itself in that department that Islands couldn't help suffering enormously in comparison.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Andy Kaufman sings “Rosemarie” on Letterman

When I first saw this video, I looked at Kaufman and thought he looked like a dope. Then while listening to him sing, he sings it so well, you don’t notice how he’s dressed.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Energy Crisis

I have an idea to solve the energy crisis. Put a bunch of little windmills on the roofs of cars. The windmills will charge the batteries, no gas, no pollution,the world will be saved and we won’t have to hear Al Gore anymore.

The World Cup

I’ve been watching The World Cup. I was really excited for it cause it’s such a big deal. I can only say one thing about it, BORING. They play a whole game and nobody scores a goal and they talk about what a great game it was. Even a shot on goal would be welcome. When the game is one to nothing, be thankful somebody scored. It’s like the biggest thing in the world. The announcer on the Spanish channel goes wild, “goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal.”

Now we all know nobody really scores much in soccer (I’m from The States). But when your team is down 1-0, you got to attack. It’s common sense, you want to score, you got to get the ball in their zone. So why do the team that is losing 1-0 have the ball at midfield, and they work it back to their goalkeeper? How are you going to score back there! Don’t they know they’re going the wrong way. Attack!

I read something today that was really funny.The biggest upset in World Cup history happened today, New Zealand tied Italy. They didn’t even beat Italy. That’s an upset? I call it “lucky you didn’t get beat, but you didn’t win either.”

Saturday, June 19, 2010

All Things Must Pass

I got the news here. When "All Things Must Pass" is reissued again, this is going to be the cover.

More Alvin Greene

Alvin Greene will be the next senator of S.C. This guy is on a roll. Even though people now know that it’s not Al Green (the soul singer) people are still going to vote for him just for the hell of it, and because they’re tired of a lot of politicians. This is going to be their protest vote

You read it here first!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Alvin Greene

I've been following this Alvin Greene win. This is one of the strangest things I ever saw. A new theory has popped up.
Did people who voted for
See  full size image

think they were voting for

Ed Schultz

I’ll say one thing about Ed (of the “Ed Show). He’s loyal to the end. Everybody was bashing Obama’s speech, even MSNBC. They were all over Obama for a weak speech. The only person to defend him was Ed Schultz. According to Ed, Obama is doing a wonderful job handling. I was watching his show tonight, according to him, everything is going fine.

I was surprised that the rest of MSNBC was all over Obama. I heard them criticize him before but not like this. This is a first for me.

The Ralph Rumpelton Collection

This is version two of the movie. When I put it on Youtube, they deleted the soundtrack cause of copywrite issues. I originally had Kingfish’s “Lazy Lighting.” I still have that version on my computer.

This soundtrack I got from Youtube. It’s a Miles Davis song. I should have written down the name of the song. If anybody know could they tell me.

All in all I think it came out good. So far this is all of Ralph Rumpelton’s computer paintings.

I could see this movie winning an Oscar Madison.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Alvin Greene

I've been following this story of Alvin Greene. He won the South Carolina Democratic primary. Here's a guy who didn't campaign, didn't spend any money, nobody knew anything about him, yet he won.
This is the strangest think I ever heard. Why vote for a guy that nobody ever heard about. You would think that the other candidates campaigned and got their message out. Even if you didn't like them, you knew what they stood for.
I was watching TV and somebody said that Mr. Greene was a plant by the Republican Party. This has to be the dumbest thing I ever herd. If they were going to plant somebody, they would have some money behind him to sabotage the primary. Was it the Republican's idea to have somebody run, not spend any money on him and hope that people were stupid enough to vote for him?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Armado Galarraga

I hear a lot of people on TV whining and crying about video replay on close calls in baseball. It's a shame that Armado Galarraga got robbed out a perfect game but that's baseball. The umpire's calls are part of the game.
I seen Armado Galarraga on TV after the game and he seemed to take it in stride. He even gave the umpire credit for saying he made the wrong call.
It's all part of baseball. There was a call in a World Series game where Yogi Berra was tagged out at the plate. Yogi's still talking about that call saying he was safe.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.