Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Outdoor Hockey

I don’t understand what the big thing is with outdoor hockey? On the radio they’re talking about it like it’s the greatest thing in the world. The Rangers are playing a couple of games at Yankee Stadium and people are going wild about it.
When you get right down and look at it, it’s not that good. The put a rink on the infield, the closest seats are the box seats. If you’re playing indoors, you’re right on top of the action. Forget if you have bad seats, you can’t see anything.
If they want to play Hockey outdoors, here’s what they should do. Put a retractable roof on Madison Squire Garden. You get good seats up close and it’s outside. If the weather is going to rain or be bad, shut the roof. I’m surprised nobody thought of this yet.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.