Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Derek Jeter

I was watching ESPN and right before a commercial they said “What do The Yankees owe Derek Jeter?” Right after that I fell asleep but I know the answer. The Yankees don’t owe Jeter anything. There’s free agency now and players leave teams left and right for more money. It’s the same way for the teams. Why should they over pay a player who has seen better days. Jeter played well and the Yankees paid him well over the years. Now they want to give Jeter 45 million over three years and he don’t want it. Who in their right mind would turn down that money? People are luck they still have their jobs. This is why people get turned off to baseball (and all pro sports). You got to pay a crap load of money to go to a game and the cable bill is through the ceiling.

If Jeter don’t want to take the Yankee offer, let him go somewhere else.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Annoying Trend

There’s something going on ,on the cable news and talk shows that getting worse by the minute. The “Left” does it and the “Right” does it. Whenever a host is interviewing a guest and doesn’t agree with what the guest says, they interrupt them and talk right over them. Not only do they talk over them, they yell over them. Then the guest gets pissed that they interrupted and they start yelling back. What you have is two people yelling at once and you can’t understand either of them.

Whatever happened to host that knew how to interview people and if they didn’t agree with them or had a question, they ask it in a civil manner. I’ve seen guest ask the host to stop interrupting them and the host would laugh. What we need to bring back is smart host that ask intelligent questions that challenge the guest.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

To Whom It May Concern

I’ve been trying to figure something out. The Beatles catalog is now on iTUNES. I thought too little too late. Most Beatle fans already have the CD’s. If they want to put them on their iPODS they can download the songs from their CD’s. So that crowd isn’t going to by them on iTUNES. You would think why would kids buy it, if they can get the songs from their parents. I didn’t think it was going to be a big seller. I was so wrong. The Beatles are selling like crazy on iTUNES.

What I like to know is who is buying this stuff?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Phoneatitis is when your on the phone non-stop, texting, talking, email, or doing wherever they do on the phone.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Giants Lose To The Cowboys

This game proves what I’ve been saying all year. The Cowboys didn’t want to play for Wade Phillips. That game The Cowboys played against The Packers last week was one of the worst efforts I’ve ever seen in all my years of watching football. All The Cowboys did that game was stand around and watch The Packers run all over them.

I wonder what Wade Phillips thought this Sunday when he saw The Cowboys with a second string quarterback beat The Giants. The Cowboys got a good team. They should be battling for first place. They must have really hated Phillips to stop playing.

I hate The Cowboys, but even I knew that they weren’t this bad. Jason Garrett is in a tough spot. He wanted to be the head coach there. He’s coming in on a 1 and 7 record and if he don’t show improvement, he might not be back next year. So he’s not starting off with a clean slate. He’s starting off in a big hole.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chiefs vs. Raiders

I caught the end of the Chiefs, Raiders game today. There was something wrong with the overtime coin toss. The Chief guy called heads after the coin landed. The Oakland guy was dumbfounded. He was trying to tell the ref what happened and the ref just blew him off. Even the announcers didn’t catch it. The call is suppose to be when the coin is in the air, not on the ground when the guy can see it.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.