Sunday, August 29, 2010

Leon Russell - "Carney"

I remember the first time I heard “Tight Rope.” I was with my father in his Beetle Bug and “Tight Rope” came on the radio. I thought it was a strange kind of song. like nothing they play on the radio.

I’ve been playing the “Carney” album and decided to do the cover. My version is “Leon The Caveman.” Which is really not too far from the real Leon.

If I have friends over and I put on a Leon Russell CD, I say, "and now, a couple of numbers from Leon." Some people get the joke, some don't.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, somebody at work told me that Shawn (one of the inspectors that stops in the store every once in awhile) died. I told a couple of people at work what I heard and we all felt sad for him and his family. Word was spreading around the store about him really fast.

Last night at work, Shawn is at the store door and somebody yells out, "He's back from the dead." He walks in the store and everybody looking at him like he's a zombie. He must have been wondering what was going on. Nobody said a word to him. I was expecting that he was going to go after somebody, drink their blood then run off. Turns out that it was another Shawn that was in a car accident.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Economy

Ever hear Obama talk about the economy? The best he could say is “well, it could be worse.” You know what this is like. It’s like somebody buying a last place baseball team and investing a billions dollars in it. Next year it finishes in next to last. Then at a press conference the owner say’s, “well, it could be worse, we could have finished in last.”

If that’s the best you can come up with then it means one thing, the programs aren’t working. You don’t keep on doing the same thing over and over and hope it works one of these times.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mad Dogs & Englishmen

I remember going into Manhattan with a couple of friends to see this movie when it came out. My friends, who if it wasn’t for bad taste would have no taste, wanted to leave after fifteen minutes. So I didn’t get to see the full movie till years later.

If any kids give you crap about music, just take them to Youtube and show them Joe Cocker doing “The Letter.” It doesn’t get any better then that.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Going Up The Country

This is one of the funniest videos I seen in a long time. I like the Frank Zappa voice in the background. It reminds me of "Ruben And The Jets."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Flory Dory

I remember the "We want the Flory Dories" chant since I was a little kid. Sometimes I'll mention "The Flory Dory" to somebody. They'll either give me a funny look, like what am I talking about, or they'll bust out laughing.

These shows used to be on all the time along with "Abbot and Costello," and "The Dead End Kids." I don't know why some cable channel can't bring the back.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

External Hard Drive

Since I got an iPod I thought an external hard drive might be a good idea. People were telling me that having a lot of songs on your computer will slow it down. Yesterday I go to Best Buy. I couldn’t find anybody there to help me. Finally after about twenty minutes I get somebody. I’m explaining to him what I want the hard drive for. They sales person had no idea what I was talking about. He had one of those looks on his face that said, “I’ll just say yes to whatever he say’s.”

There was this lady who was standing by us, she joined the conversation and the sales person left. He was happy to get out. She’s telling me what I need to do cause she has an external hard drive. Then here husband showed up and and was telling me how to hook it up. So I go pay and I’m waiting on the line. The lady and her husband show up on the line and we start talking, next thing you know the whole line is telling me how to hook it up. Everybody is giving me advise. There must be more then one way to do it cause everybody was telling me something different.

I get the thing home and hook it up and go to transfer the songs over. Seemed to be working. Now I can’t access the external hard drive. I wanted to make sure the songs were on there. Nothing I did worked, I hit everything possible. Finally I ended up deleting the songs.

I’m gonna take the external hard drive back. I don’t think I need it. My computer is 585GB and I have 509 free. My iPod is 8GB. Even is I fill it up and put 2,000 songs on it, I’ll still have 501 GB left on my computer.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.