Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dallas Cowboys

You could have had 40 million people in your ugly new stadium and you still would have lost.

People who back into parking spots

What is wrong with these people? Do they think it's going to save them time when they pull out of the spot when it takes them five minutes to pull in.
It's really sad watching these people try to back in. Even with no cars on either side it takes them hours to park between the lines.

Jets beat the Pats

I thought for sure the Pats were going to win. The Jets were trash talking all week. I thought there were going to eat humble pie.
This is only the second pro game for Mark Sanchez. He looks like he's going to be good. Still, they were going up against The Pats. What a surprise. Defense, that what won the game. They were all over Brady.
The Jets did something I thought teams should have done a long time ago. With a couple of minutes left in the game and The Pats had the ball, the Jets didn't go into the prevent defense. They rushed seven guys on Brady and kept the pressure on him. Had they gone into the "prevent," ten yards here, ten yards there and the next thing you know the Pats score.
Now it's the Giants-Cowboys game. I'm more interested in that thing they call a stadium, then the game.

Lennon and Harrison

John Lennon George Harrison - Recording Oh My Love (1971)

Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot


Monday, September 7, 2009

The Worst Uniform Ever?

Is this the worst uniform ever? Granted the White Sox had some bad ones, and they could be up there.
Look at these Padre uniform's from the 1970's. Brown and mustard color, tight and no belt. No wonder baseball was tough to look at in the 70's. They didn't look like baseball players, they looked liked a joke.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

El Rayo-X

One of my alltime favorite albums. It's mostly in the Tex-Mex style.
When you talk about guitar players, Lindley has to be mentioned. Anything stringed he can play.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.