Saturday, March 28, 2009


Whats up with that dress. Looks like they mashed two photos together. They placed Beyonce's top on another girls bottom. You could place beer cans all around her hips. That's not a bad idea.

With all the pics of her wearing this, I have yet to see a pic of backside in this. A lot of guys would love to see that.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I like to do a little painting. It started out with drawings on small pieces of paper. Then I wanted to see how I could do with oils. What a big difference. Not only did you have to do the images, you had to get the paint on the canvas in a certain way. Just the right amount to paint, the brush strokes, no bleeding and other stuff. Then I figured out to how to use paint thinner on the paint to thin it out on the canvas.

I don't expect to see my name up there with Dali or Pissaco anytime soon. This is just for me to mess around with.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Edward Liddy

I feel bad for Edward Liddy (head of AIG). He came out of retirement and is working for one dollar to try to fix AIG. He had to go before the blowhards of Congress and explain the bonuses, which weren't really bonuses. They were for retention for the people to come back next year.

All the people that got this money weren't the people who drove AIG down, these people came in are working to fix AIG.

Congress, kept on hammering Liddy about why the bonuses (I'll call them bonuses here) were handed out. Liddy kept on saying that the contract were written up before he got there and he had to honor them. Congress didn't undersand that and kept on asking him over and over the same question and Liddy kept on giving them the same answer.

I won't even get into the fact that the goverment knew about the bonuses. That's a whole different ballgame.

I would have liked to see Liddy go off on them. He could have said, "I'm working for one dollar to fix this company. If you so holy, why don't you work for a dollar and give the people in your district your money. I'm sure they could use it."

Now people are saying that the AIG employees that took the money are greedy. I don't see it like that. I see it as a deal. You work here for a year and you get this much money. Both sides agreed on it. Being greedy is if the company said and you agree on 2 million at the end of the year, and it's in writing, then at the end of the year you say I want 4 million. That's being greedy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Silver Cars

Whats the deal with silver cars? Almost everybody where I live has a silver car. Do they think it's made out of real silver? I came home from work one day and parked my red car in the middle of ten silver cars. I wish I took a pic of it.
I had a friend that said he would never get a silver car. He said it blended in with the road and you can't see it. I told him if you can't see a silver car coming at you, you need new glasses.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Owen Wilson

Owen Wilson has to be one of the worst actors I ever seen. Every movie I saw him in he has the same hair style and talks the same way. It seems like he don't go to makeup. He just shows up and does the movie in his regular clothes. If he played "Superman" he wouldn't wear the costume, or dye his hair or even talk different. He would just show up and tell them to roll the cameras.

For once I like to watch an Owen Wilson and not realise that it's Owen Wilson on the screen.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bono slams illegal downloaders


U2 rocker Bono has slammed music fans who download songs illegally - insisting laws against the practice will eventually be tightened when movie studios begin to lose revenue through the web.

Bono admits that as a "rich rock star" he has doesn't want more money - but is adamant musicians should not be allowed to lose income through the internet.

The rocker is convinced the fight must go on against the practice, but fears police will not be granted powers to prosecute offenders properly until they get the backing of Hollywood executives -when the illegal downloading of films becomes as common as music.

He tells USA Today, "People think people like me are overpaid and over-nourished, and they're not wrong. What they're missing is, how does a songwriter get paid?

"It's not the place for rich rock stars to ask for more money, but somebody should fight for fellow artists, because this is madness. Music has become tap water, a utility, where for me it's a sacred thing, so I'm a little offended (by illegal downloading).

"The music business has been thrown to the dogs legislatively. That will change when file-sharing of TV shows and movies becomes as easy as songs. Somebody is going to call the cops." <<<<

Doesn't Bono know that there are millions of poor people out there who like U2. If they buy U2 CD's they can't afford food. So in order to eat, they have to illegally download the music.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

You got to be kidding me!

I went to Taco Bell today. While waiting in line in my car, I seen a girl with earrings almost this big walk into the store. First thing that came to my mind was, "get me a basketball, I want to shoot some hoops". I figured I could use the side of her head as a backboard. With those hoop earrings, I'd be hitting three pointers all day.

Rolling Stones - "Black and Blue"

  Microsoft paint and review of paint.